Chapter Twenty-Four: Unanticipated

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Humming a little tune while walking down the road you were quite the tune you liked at the amount, a good breeze was brushing through and you hummed some more. You had gotten away from Clare's group about two hours ago. But it was really hard to convince them not to come with you. You had told them you had to go alone, in fact, you originally did not plan on telling them what you were doing. But you knew they would pick up on any of your lies.


Raki: You're leaving us, but why? But you promise you would train me?!

Y/N: I said that but something has come up and it's not a place for someone like you to be in right about now. Listen, guys, I met someone when I was going after the Awakened Being and well, they killed it instead of me.

Clare: Another Awakened Being did it? Who were they and did you finish them off?

Y/N: Yeah, I don't think it'll be easy to come out on top in that fight. You see, the person that killed the male was . . . Luciela of the South. One of the Abyssal One.

Hearing that name caused both Clare and Elena's blood to run cold. Every fiber of their body froze and they were unable to move now. Clare's eyes were wide as a dinner plate. Elena's hands were trembling and sweat ran down her forehead. Raki could tell they were worried now and you couldn't help but understand their fear. Luciela was one of the strongest creatures in this world and you would be facing her.

Raki: Is this Luciela dangerous?

Y/N: Yeah, she's an Awakened Being that's possibly stronger than Galatea. By the way, she came to me to recruit me. Apparently, she sensed my power all the way from the South and wants me to join her in conquering the other regions. She wishes for my power to help her prevail against Isley and the other Abyssal of the West. In fact, I don't even think she wants my help specifically. I think she has a plan for me.

Elena: What do you suppose she wants with you then?

Clare: . . . . . She wants to devour you and take your powers for herself, is that what you are thinking?

Y/N: Hit the nail right on the mark.

Elena: Would she even be able to absorb your powers like that?

Y/N: Not sure, but it also has me thinking about the other Abyssal Ones around these parts, what if they find out about me as well. They might try and use me as well. And I've already learned about the one of the North who is forming an army of Abyssals. If he learns of me too he'll probably want me to join, wish I knew more about him and the West one but that's all--

Elena: Riful . . . The Abyssal One of the West is named Riful. When I was still a Claymore, I heard some speak about her being the Ranked One Claymore when the Organization switched to just female warriors. Making her the second oldest out of the three and yet, you still wish to go there alone?

Y/N: Yep.

Clare: Even with what you know about her?

Y/N: Yep.

Raki: But isn't there a chance you could die?

Y/N: Yep.

Clare: . . . . . *sigh* there's no talking you out of this is there?

Y/N: . . . . Nope.

~Flashback End~

Y/N: And so here we are traveling to the South by myself, plus, this could be beneficial to Clare and Elena. They could use this opportunity to improve and try to get out of situations without my help. I need to know if they're capable without me . . . . Oh yeah, I should really train Raki when I get back so he does not get throttled. Plus, I don't think Clare and Elena would enjoy constantly coming to his rescue if he ever gets into danger.

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