Chapter Sixteen: Opehlia

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You stood there feeling uncomfortable, there was just something about this Claymore that was making you nervous, especially with the malicious intent coming off of the woman as she stared at you. Normally you're laid back, but your gut, head, and mind were telling you that this was not the time to be like that, now was the time to brace yourself.

???: So... why is it that someone such as yourself has come here to a place like this?

You gulped down a dry lump before opening your mouth to speak, but before anything could leave your lips. The woman vanished and reappeared in front of you with great speed that was definitely on your level, before doing something that threw you off even more. She closed her eyes and sniffed around you for a second before looking you in the eyes.

???: Interesting.... you smell like a human but.... you also have another scent on you that's closer to that of an awakened... why is this that?

Y/N: Um... well you... Huh?

Suddenly the woman vanished again reappearing behind you and wrapping her arms around you tightly, the grip was tight it felt as if you were being strangled by a snake.

???: The other scent has me thinking that you may be a male warrior that somehow stayed a warrior, but they awaken too fast for that to be the case. And your scent is almost too intoxicating for that reason as well.

Y/N: Well thank you but.... could you at least loosen your grip--WHOA NOW WAIT A SECOND WHAT ARE YOU--

???: Just relax and I won't cause any harm to you..... yet.

Your Thoughts: Yet?

Your eyes widened a bit feeling her fingers slip into your shirt and pressing at your chest until it broke the skin and feeling her fingers move through you before she removed them having some of your blood on it now. The next thing wasn't so surprising to you as she stuck them in her finger tasting and savoring the red liquid of life before letting you go.

Stepping back, the warrior looked at you removing her fingers from her mouth finally getting the taste into her mouth which she seemed to enjoy from the almost seductive look on her face.

???: Now that's quite interesting, you seem like a warrior, but you taste like something else, almost like that of an Awakened Being, but... almost like something even greater than one. What are you exactly?

Your Thoughts: This cheek is acting bat crazy, I need to get her off me now before she tries something else.

With a minimal effort you quickly knocked the Claymore off of you before jumping back away from her. Seeing the warrior leaped away as well and landed on the rock she sat on staring at you with a smile still on her face and proceeded to clap her hands to your confusion.

???: My, my it seems that you're not very trusting around me, you are right by the way, but it seems that I was right about you though. You may not be an Awakened Being or a male warrior.... but I'm going to kill you anyway, and enjoy the sight of your beautiful blood.

You almost didn't have time to react as the Claymore woman was on you, her sword in hand as she swung the claymore at you. You quickly pulled Rebellion out to block. The force from the blow was definitely of that of a single-digit warrior as it was just as strong as Galatea's attacks, slightly weaker though. You quickly leaped away, but the braided-haired Claymore was still on the prowl.

She came at you with fast and well timed swings each one with the intent to take something off of you when you quickly used Trickster Style to move behind her. You swung your sword but she quickly jumped into the air and cutting into your shoulder. You didn't flinch or grunt, before turning around and trying to nail her only for her to block with her sword, but the force was strong enough to knock her away from you.

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