Chapter One

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"Jummy," my mum shouted from the living room......"aren't you done yet?"

I was taking my bath, and I had spent almost twenty minutes. It had always been my habit to take so long in my bathroom. My family wondered what I usually do in there aside from bathing.
My sister, Titilayo, would always say I was having a meeting with the gods of our village.

"I don't know why you spend so much time there. Better be fast. Your breakfast is getting cold o."

I hurriedly dried my body with a towel. Mum prepared fried eggs, bread, and Lipton tea for breakfast, and I hated cold eggs because they had this repulsive smell when cold.

I took my cream from the vanity table and applied it to my body. I removed the towel and put on my underwear. I applied hair cream and brushed my hair. I took out my neatly ironed uniform from the wardrobe.

Dad bought my uniform the day I registered in Crystal High School. The uniform was a navy blue pencil skirt, a pale blue shirt with a navy blue tie, and a navy blue beret.

I put on my uniform, wore my white socks, wore my brightly polished black flat shoes, and placed my beret in the usual way.

I stared at myself in the mirror.
"Perfect," I said, with a smile on my face.

I grabbed my bag pack and marched downstairs to meet my elder brother and younger sister, eating their breakfast in the dining room.

"You guys can't even wait for me." I teased.

"Wait, for what? You were wasting too much time in your kingdom." Tunde, my elder brother, was almost done with his food.

I took out four slices of bread and placed them on my plate. I added more milk and sugar to my hot tea and sipped it...just the way I like it.

I began eating my food, and within minutes, I finished eating and returned the plate to the kitchen, washed it, and placed it in the dish drainer.

It was a law in our house to clean up where you ate and immediately wash the plate.

"I give you guys five minutes, then we leave." My dad said from the living room. He was watching KaaKaKi on AIT. He usually watched it every morning. It was shown from 6 am to 9 am.

*5mins later*

It was already 7 am. My brother and I were ready for dad to drop us at school because I was going to the same school with him.

My mum was to take Titi; she attended a different school close to my mom's hospital.

"Are we ready?" My dad asked.

"All set and ready to go," I shouted elatedly.

"Goodbye, my babies. Have a nice day." Mum kissed our foreheads and kissed dad on his lips.

My brother rushed outside ahead of us to open the gate.
Dad and I got into the car. He thrust the key and started the ignition.
He reversed the car and drove out of the compound.

Tunde closed the gate and hopped in a few seconds later.

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