Chapter Twenty six

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I stared at his back as he stormed out of the cafeteria. What did I just do? What type of evil spirit just controlled me? What type of anger just made me to slap him like that?

'From now on, don't act like you know me.'

Those words rang in my ear continuously like an alarm clock.

Tears welled up in my eyes.

I cried when Gun Jun Pyo in Boys Over Flower said those same words to Gum Jan Di, now I'm crying again because Je Ro Me said these same words to Ju Mo Ke .....we are in our own Korean movie.

Henry stood up and dusted his uniform.

Chioma cleared her throat. "Can....we go to class now?"

"Yeah." My voice came out as a whisper.

"Hey, Jummy," Henry called.

"Yes?" I tried not to sound rude, cos, right now, I'm pissed at myself.

"I'm....I'm really sorry for...."

"Don't isn't your fault," .....not entirely. Come of to think of it, it's because I was too close to HIM that got Jerome angry with me.

Stop being petty, I told myself.

The bell rang for break over and we all trooped out of the cafeteria.

I saw Jessie on the hallway and she smirked evilly. I guess she already knew what happened and she's already celebrating. Queen bitch!
She waved mockingly at Henry, who just looked her at her and scoffed.
"Bitch," he muttered.

Throughout the classes, I didn't pay any attention to the teachers. My body was present in the class but my mind was far away, somewhere in the North Pole.

During biology, Mr Alfred called my name twice before I answered.

"What was the last thing I said?" he asked.

"I'm sorry sir, I zoned out."

"You zoned out in my class? What are you thinking of? Do you have a baby?"

"Marital issues," Tega replied for me and the whole class burst into a fit of laughter.

"Oh, you're married? Well, when you get to home, fix your problems with your husband. Make sure you pay attention now, cos if I call you again, you'll come and sit in front."

Even after that, I still zoned out again.

                * * * * * * * * * *
At home....

After eating, noodles and boiled egg, I went to the living room and switched on the decoder and the TV.

I was the only one at home, that meant I can watch anything I wanted without argument and fighting over the remote control.

I was searching all channels before I finally left in Nickelodeon to watch Henry Danger, but later, it got boring, so I switched off the socket and took my phone.

Now that I'm alone at home, the channels are boring, but when my siblings come back,bthey'll start showing interesting shows.

I switched on my mobile data and messages started flooding in. It's not easy to be a social media celeb.

I check my Instagram and I saw that I already had 1,500 followers. I dunno where all these people are following me to.

Then I checked my Facebook, I reacted on some posts before I went to check the messages.

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