Chapter Twenty five

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for the beautiful covers.


I couldn't take it anymore. The sight of Henry and Jummy together made my blood boil.

She had totally forgotten I existed. It was like she didn't need me anymore, like our friendship didn't matter to her anymore.
Na so life be? 

Didn't she miss me at all? Those times when we would walk home together, laughing and gisting and stopping to by junk food by the road side.

To be very honest, I missed her so much. But, my pride wouldn't let me tell her that face to face.
It hurt, seeing she had found a replacement.

Henry should better crawl back to the hole he came from.
How will he just come from no where and steal my babe? What rubbish?
So because his mom is the vice principal admin, that's why he is behaving like president's son.

For his information, my dad's brother, which is my uncle, is the owner of this school.
So, if I happen to break his thirty twos, break his nose, pluck out his eyes from their socket, remove one of his legs, cut his ten fingers and destroy his kidney, nobody can expel me.

I know what to do. I'll go talk to her today. We would sort things out, I'll apologize for being an asshole and I'll tell her to STAY AWAY FROM HENRY!

*Break time*

"Jayjay let's go to the cafeteria. I'm really hungry," Clinton rubbed his belly.

"Even me too."

"Guy.....Guy...." Bayo tapped  me.

I was so lost in thoughts.
"What?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

They exchanged looks.

"Guy, Are you alright?" Lolade touched my neck with the back of his hand.

"You guys should stop bothering me. Go to the cafe,I'll come and meet you guys,I want to do something"

"The way you're thinking like someone who's yet to pay his house rent, do you have a problem?" Bayo asked with furrowed brows.

"Guys.....I'm perfectly okay. Can't someone think again?"

"Okay o. If you like come when we have already finished eating."

They all left, leaving me to my thoughts again.

I'm going to Jummy's class right now.


"Where's Jumoke?" I asked Tega when I didn't see her on her seat.

"She went to the cafe."

"Okay, thank you," we bumped fists.

I walked briskly to the cafe and when I entered, I saw Chioma, Henry and Jummy walking towards the door of the cafe. Henry had his arm over Jummy's shoulder. Bastard! What's his hand doing there? How I wish I could cut it off.

"Jummy, I need to talk you right now, please," I gritted my teeth.

"Like right now?" she asked.

What type of stupid question is this one asking me now?

"Yeah. Right now"
My gaze shifted to the arm on her shoulder. Henry drew her closer to himself.

This one is just putting hand inside fire. You're seeing fire and you're still putting your hand in it, how foolish!

"I need to go to class do some class work, maybe later."

"No, I want to talk you RIGHT NOW and not here."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." She said firmly.

I dragged her and wanted to pull her to come with me when Henry pushed my chest with so much force, causing me to move backwards.

"She said she's not going anywhere. Are you deaf?!" He barked. That's what dogs do anyway.

I looked at my chest and then at his hand and then his stupid face. Before you could say Jack Robinson, my fist connected with his right jaw, and he fell to the floor.

"How dare you? Who the hell are you to interfere in my business?"

He touched the right corner of his mouth to check if there was blood and yes, there was.

"You're a bastard," he spat.

I was about to give him another one but Chioma held me back. My friends had already arrived.

"Jay, leave him. He's not worth it." Bayo held my shoulder.

Before I knew what was happening, a hot, deafening, reverberating, painful, brain-deactivating, senses-deactivating slap landed on my right cheek.

I looked up to see who the giver was......Lo and Behold, it was Jumoke. JUMOKE JUST SLAPPED ME!

I looked her straight in the eye, her eyes softened when she met my fire eyes and then she realized what she just did. Her mouth was slightly open in surprise and she palmed her mouth.

"Jerome, I'm...I'm so sorry........"

"You just slapped me so hard because of this motherfucker and now you're telling me you're sorry. What are you sorry for?!!!!!!" I barked and she moved back.

The students in the cafeteria just watched with so much concentration. Thank you for tunning in to African Magic.

"I didn't mean to....."

"You know what? I don't care anymore. Do WHATEVER the fuck you want. You can even date him, you can screw him for all I care, you can even marry him. No problem. From now on, don't act like you know me."

That said, I stormed out of the cafeteria, my friends trailing behind me.

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