Chapter Fifty eight

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SS3 was so stressful.

Headaches and body aches had become norms for me. My dad told my mum to excuse me of all my house chores, so I literally had nothing to do than read all day, taking breaks to drink water, eat or just sleep.

We just began the month of March the day before yesterday. JAMB had already commenced. I was to write mine on Saturday morning.
Those who had already written theirs said it was quite difficult.

The JAMB mock was quite difficult and I scored 279. With that, I tried to estimate what I'll get in the real exam even if I'd be needing it.

Those who wrote on schools days were allowed to go home after leaving the CBT center.

Today been Friday, we closed early from school. I went straight to home to eat, bath and sleep for a long time before I read.

I woke up at 3:22pm. I heard voices downstairs. I met my mum and Titi watching a movie in Zee world.

I greeted my mum and went to take my food from the kitchen. I opened the big bowl that was used to cover my food. It was Semo and Efo riro.
Just what I want to eat right now.

I finished my meal in ten minutes and I was full I didn't think I could do anything at all.

After I washed the plates, I went back to my room and took my Physics textbook.

I always find it hard understanding Physics, the subject was so complicated to me so I spent more time studying it before I moved to Chemistry. Chemistry and Biology are easy for me.

After that I moved to English. When I was done I solved past questions on every subject.

When I was done, the time was five minutes to eight.

Wow! I can't believe I spent that much time reading. It was something I had never done before.

I went downstairs and met my dad watching CNN news.

What do parents find interesting in this channel?

I greeted him and he asked where I've been, I told him I had been reading since. He nodded satisfactorily.

"I had a video call with Tunde." Dad said.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"He wanted to talk to you but I told him you were sleeping. He said he'll call you later."

"Okay, Dad."

"Go and eat your food and go and sleep. We're leaving early in morning."

"Okay, Dad." I went to the kitchen and served myself.

I finished eating and went back upstairs. I couldn't sleep yet so I took my phone and switched the mobile data on.

I went straight to WhatsApp. I had lot of messages but I only opened Jerome's thread.

Jerome: Hey! Where have you been?😫

He sent the message at 6:58pm.

Me: Reading. Ya missed me?😋

Jerome: Uh....duhhh....yeah😒
You have exams tomorrow, yeah?

Me: yeah. When is yours again?

Jerome: Monday. Good luck tomorrow. You need to sleep....good night babe💋

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