Chapter Fifty six

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We, science and arts students wrote our last paper today which was Agriculture science and C.R.K (Christian Religious Knowledge) respectively. We were going to vacate today. We finished our paper at around 11:00am and we went to the cafeteria.

There was mad harmattan today, so everyone was putting on sweaters. Some girls applied lip balm and lip gloss. I brought a lip balm to school and I was applying it on my chapped lips from time to time.

Our Christmas party was tomorrow and they were already making preparations. Some students and teachers were decorating the hall. I got some students to clean the hall.

The students sitting at the table beside ours were playing truth or dare. A group of boys were laughing loudly.

It was only Chioma and I that was sitting on our table. Henry's mum called him to her office to help her do something.

I noticed that Chioma had been quiet since morning.

"Chi....what's wrong with you?"

"My parents are having issues. They've been arguing since last week and I think it's about money issues...cos we're really broke right now."

"Are your elder siblings at home?" I asked.

"Yeah. They've tried to settle down but my dad told them not to interfere. Why do they have to fight during Christmas period?" She groaned.

"Don't worry....they are adults, they can solve their problems. Since your dad said you guys shouldn't interfere, then you guys should leave them. Hope he doesn't like.....beat your mum."

"No, no, he doesn't. No matter how angry he is, he doesn't beat her."

"Then it's okay. It's just argument with no violence.

She felt at ease after we talked and she was back to her normal self.


The next day, Wednesday was our Christmas carol. The school choir sang Christmas hymns and other Christmas songs. They were dressed in white, with red rosette on their left chests and Christmas caps.

The teachers wore Christmas cowboy hats and sang a Yoruba and Igbo Christmas song.

Goody bags were given out and we took the closing prayer and closed.

The next day we all came for our report cards. I opened mine and checked my result. I got a percentage of 85.76 and first position. Henry took second, Kunle took third and Chioma took fourth.

My dad promised to buy a handbag I had been dying to buy if I get first position.

Some people said they would come to school tomorrow, the day we were vacating, as for me....nah, I have a date with my television.

When the bell went for closing, everyone said their goodbyes and we all went home.

This Christmas holiday better be good.


The holidays were over and second term came really quick. The Christmas holiday was a blast though.

We were resuming tomorrow. After we came from church, I took a bath and ate before I ironed my uniform and arranged my school stuffs.

The second term was going to be stressful because I would write WAEC and NECO. My dad said I was still going to writing JAMB even if I would be studying abroad.

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