Chapter Twenty one

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The first term examination ended on a good note and the Christmas holiday arrived. Christmas was fun.

The continuous fireworks fueled the vibes and everywhere was screaming 'Christmas!' I got a beautiful blue gown and feyi heels and my make up was well done by awesome me.

In a twinkle of an eye, holiday was finished and we all resumed school. We all collected our dossiers and I took second position, Kunle beat me.

Second term was drama filled. Jerome and I became closer and Jessica remained a threat. She tried so hard to make my life miserable and to separate me from Jerome, but the queen bitch failed.

Well, she succeeded some times,but one way or the other, karma always hit her, real hard.

Chioma and Lolade became friends, not too close, but they talked..shyly.

Elizabeth and I didn't still become friends. I didn't like her and she didn't like me, we were even.

Jerome was and always will be a distraction. Anytime I was with him, I felt goosebumps. When he touched me, my stomach did somersaults one hundred times in a row.

His smile was killing. Anytime he smiled, my breathe seized, I automatically stop breathing at that moment.

We usually go to the library every second break to read. He was a very big distraction. I found it hard to concentrate anytime I was beside him, it took a lot of willpower to ignore his presence.
I kept fighting the crush I was beginning to have for him and made up excuses why I couldn't be with him anytime he asked me to come to the library with him or go home together.

Second term, again, passed in a blur. Exams were written, holidays were taken, dossiers were collected and I took first......yeah, I beat Kunle.

I put a distance between Jerome and me. We weren't close again and he kept asking me what he did wrong, then we fought at the end of second term and we didn't talk to each other. I was affected....a lot.

Third term arrived, the last term in the session till we finally get promoted to the next class.

Third term was very tedious. Teachers almost never missed their classes.

Jerome and I still didn't settle our differences. He wouldn't swallow his pride neither could I.

His ego is bigger than the world.

Jessica found it an opportunity to steal Jerome back. She pretended she had changed but I could see through that façade. They became friends.

"I finally took back what is rightfully mine. Hope you ain't sad? Aww, don't be, dear. You'll eventually find a buffoon that suits you. Right now, Jerome is about to ask me out,again. Your loss." She had told me when she hit me in the hallway one day.
Pfft, like I care.

Quick info, Jessica's gang and Elizabeth's gang merged, but one out of the two of them was higher. You can't have two bosses.

I joined the school clubs. I joined JETS Club and Maths Club. I made new friends and new enemies.

I represented the school in so many competitions, we won some, we lost some. You can't be a winner every time.
I won a laptop in one of the competitions. I finally had a laptop in my possession.

Third term finally came to an end.

The day of vacation finally came. We hugged one another, exchanged contacts and addresses and hugged some more.

"I'm gonna miss you, bestie mi," Chioma pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I'll still see you during the holidays, stop being so dramatic."

"Whatevs," she pushed me away and slapped my arm.

I hate hugs, to be honest. I detest body contacts.

"Oh oh. Guess who's coming over?" She asked.


"Your baby boy, Jerome."

I turned back to see Jerome walking towards us.

"Hey," he said. Did he just greet me?

"Hey," I replied.

"I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Chioma."

Ouch. That hurt.

"Hey, Jerome what's up?" Chioma greeted.

"I'm good jare. Just wanted to give you a good bye hug," he pulled her into a hug. He fucking hugged her and ignored me.

Chioma gave me 'I'm really sorry, it's not my fault' look.

"Take care of yourself during the holiday, okay? Don't come back with a broken leg." He was holding her hand. My temper was boiling.

"Thank you. But...uhn....Jumoke is standing here......," She pointed to me.

"Who's Jumoke? Where's she?"


I cleared my throat. "When did I become invisible?"

He finally turned to me. "'re Jumoke. Okay." He just shrugged. "I'll call you during the holiday, Chioma. Take care of yourself," And he walked away.

I stared at his back. Tears welled up in my eyes. I've never been so ignored like this in my entire life.

No goodbye. No hugs.....and we are going on holiday for two fucking months!!!


"Jumoke......," Chioma called.

"What happened?" I faced her. I was angry with her because she let Jerome hug her, she could have just pushed him away,but no, she relished in the moment.

"Don't be angry with me.....I..."

"Never mind. It's not your fault anyway." And it wasn't. Why am I angry with her anyways? It's clearly not her fault.

"Let's just go home."

I was going home to lie on my bed and cry.

It's going to be a long, boring vacation.


Y'all never thought they would fight one day, right?😂😂😂😂

But Jerome can be brutal 😪😪😔💔

I'm sorry for rushing through ss1. I didn't plan to spend much time on Ss1. Ss2 and 3 are the important parts.

Next chapter is about the new class.

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Also read Threshold of a new life by joebrown17

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