Chapter Fifty four

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Weeks passed in a blur and we were past the mid term, meaning we had already had our mid break. We were already given our prefect posts. Jerome was the Senior prefect while Henry was the Assistant Senior prefect. Jessica, whom everybody guessed will be the head girl was removed because she talked back at a teacher. So, I was made the Head girl and Simi was the assistant Head girl. Kunle was the Labour prefect which suited him perfectly. I couldn't remember the rest.

The Englipedia was over....and guess what?

I was among the ten winners!!......... That freaking means I'm going to the UK!!

Among the ten winners, three were from our school; me, Simi and Jerome.

Simi wasn't from a rich fact she got a scholarship to attend CHS...she was so happy that she could study abroad with a scholarship.

Clinton and Henry said they were already going to study abroad before it didn't mean much to them.

We were celebrated on the assembly ground. The school was given prizes computers, dictionary and English Language textbooks.

As for the inter house sport matter, Jerome and I did the king and queen for red house. We took first in dressing, marching and football and first over all....Blue house took second, yellow took third and green took last.

We had submitted our forms to Englipedia.
My parents helped me fill the form. I chose Cambridge University to study Medicine.
Normally, it is rare for international students to get a scholarship to study Medicine, but it was a special scholarship awarded by special people, it was allowed. I chose the university because Tunde was also studying there so I was going to join him.

Simi and I chose the same university.

Jerome's parents said they wanted him to study at Oxford University so he could stay with his uncle and his family.

The first term was gradually coming to an end.
Before you know it....BOOM!.....WAEC was approaching.

We had started buying past question booklets. During break and free period, we solve the questions. Everybody was becoming more play play.

We were already in late November and harmattan hadn't shown its face....and Christmas is coming! Forget that I'm grown....I still want Christmas clothes.

The Geography teacher wasn't around, so we spent the period solving past questions.
It's very interesting to solve past questions, especially when you're getting the answers right..... You'll feel so intelligent.

After Geography period, we had Physics. The man walked in and began the lectures immediately....after teaching, he spent the remaining twenty minutes solving questions from past questions related to the topic.

Finally, it was break time and I was so famished. I didn't waste time going to the cafeteria and buying my lunch.

Chioma and Henry joined me later. Henry looked unsettled.

"Henry.......are you alright?" I asked.

"Yes...yes....I'm fine." He replied.

"You don't look so to me." Chioma said.

He sighed. "I'm okay."

There was a brief silence before he finally spoke again. "Jumoke....I....I....I need to tell you something."

"Is anything wrong?" I asked.

"No....I just need to tell you something really important."

"Okay....I'm listening."

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