Chapter Sixty three

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I haven't been setting my alarm clock since I finished exams on Tuesday. I woke up today at 7:10am. Well, I wouldn't have if my mum didn't call me out of my sleep to come lock the door.

I locked the door and went back to sleep, despite the fact that the power supply was still on.

I woke up at 8:15am and I remembered that we were told to come to school by 10am.

I brushed my teeth and took a bath. I wore my uniform, I wouldn't have, but I was going to need it to take the yearbook picture.

I finished dressing up at 8:35. There was still plenty of time. So I ate break fast and switched on the TV and watched Telemundo till the time was 9:36am.

I locked the door and went outside the compound. I flagged a bike and told him the place.

I got to school at 9:49am. I paid the bike man and he rode off. The school was quiet cos classes were still going on. I saw some Ss3 students outside. I greeted some of them I knew and went into the school. Jessica was standing outside with her friends, she averted her eyes immediately she saw me.

I saw Angela on my way to the class. I made sure she didn't see me cos I wasn't in the mood for fake smiles and all.

I went to our normal Ss3 science class. The boys shifted the chairs to the back so they could play football in the open space. Some people sat on their desks.
Chioma sat at the back close to the back door, talking to Sandra.

"Jummy jummy," Sandra hailed causing Chioma to look at me.

"What's up?" I asked before seating  vis-à-vis them, backing the front door.

"Why didn't you come since?" Chioma asked.

"Been watching Telemundo." I replied nonchalantly.

Sandra and Chioma hissed simultaneously.


"So because of Telemundo that's why you forgot you have human beings that are waiting for you." Chioma pouted in feigned annoyance.

"Whatever babe. Have you seen Jerome?"

Sandra and Chioma exchanged looks as their mouths were hung open in dramatic disbelief.

"Can you imagine?" Sandra clapped her hands melodramatically.

"Mmm." Chioma curved her lips downwards and shook her head dramatically.

"Wait....Are you guys acting Bollywood movie or what?" I asked, laughing lightly.

"So, you can not ask of our wellbeing instead you're asking about your baby boo." Chioma squinted her eyes.
Everything about what they were doing was do dramatic. I burst into laughter.

"Don't make laugh, I beg." I said in between laughter.

"Joke apart. Did you bring your phone?" Chioma asked.


She stretched her hand indicating that I should bring it out.
I put in my password before giving to her. She and Sandra started watching this comedy skits on my phone.

I took out a novel and started reading. It was long before a pair of soft, warm hands cover my eyes.

I thought it was Jerome but then I realized Jerome's hands were quite bigger than the one covering my eyes.

"Who's that?" I asked.

I heard a girlish giggle and the hands left my eyes. I looked back to see Angela smile.

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