Chapter Thirty five

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Grrrnng! Grrnng!

The obnoxious alarm clock rang in my ear, disturbing my awesome dream. You could bet Jumoke was in that dream

I brushed my teeth, took a warm bath and wore my uniform. I applied good amount of Nivea men perfume and took my Gucci wrist watch.

Downstairs, my dad was having his breakfast. He raised his head and saw me.

It's been long since I last saw this old man.
One would think since my father was rich, he would be fat with a pot belly and strands of gray hair scattered on his head. Actually, my dad was not too slim, tall with a flat tummy and no gray hair. He looked younger than his age and he had a very strict face.

"Good morning Dad."

"Good morning, son. Why are you up so early today?" he asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Oh dear, I forgot to tell you. Jay is now an acting prefect," mum hollered from the kitchen. She later came out and I greeted her.

"Acting prefect? Why are you acting? I'm not paying your school fees for you to be an actor."

What century does those this man live in? Or was trying to crack a joke? If he was, then that was L-A-M-E!

My mom shook her head and rolled her eyes.

I was about to explain to him when he waved his hand. "Never mind, I know what it is. So how's your studies?"

"Fine, dad."

He nodded slowly. He brought out his wallets and stretched out wads of naira notes to me.

I looked at him with a puzzled look.

"For having a good result last term, keep it up, boy. I hope you get first position again this term."

"Thanks Dad."  I smiled.

He smiled back,although it was a tight smile. Dad hardly smiled.
He stood up and took his briefcase. Mom saw him off while I counted my moola.

Wow! Ten thousand naira!
I'll add it to my savings to get myself an Off White joggers and vans sneakers.

*At school*

The day hadn't become so bright but you could still find your way around.

I got school by 6:40am. I got down from the car and waved at the driver. Just then, another car parked beside mine and out came Jumoke and her brother. She smiled and waved at the driver whom I couldn't see well.

Our eyes met and she immediately looked down. Tunde just looked at me, surprisingly, it wasn't his usual glare. It was just a straight face.

We entered the school together. The big gates weren't opened yet so we used the small one. Our shoulders brushed when we entered.

"Good morning." The words just came out of mouth before I could even stop it. My mouth now has a mind of its own. Great!

"Good morning," she smiled lightly.

"Good morning," I greeted Tunde.

"Good morning," he replied.

He replied?! Wow! Tunde actually replied my greetings. Could this day get any better?

His reply wasn't cold and it wasn't warm either. It was just a simple 'good morning' with a straight face.

I met Bayo and Clinton and three other students in class. Lolade was yet to arrive.

"Good morning nigger." We did our boy handshake. We take our hands high and our palms join with a loud sound, then,our hands slip away from each other's and we snap our fingers.

"They said we should go and sign in the reception," Bayo said and we strolled to the reception.

We wrote down our names, the time we came in and signed. Lolade came in too and he signed in.

"Don't forget to sign out before going home," the receptionist reminded us. "The library is scattered. Get students to arrange the books and you guys should be there to supervise them. Get the late comers to cut the weeds in the botanical garden and mow the lawn."

Immediately, we set to work. Bayo, Kelvin, Marvin and I brought out the mowers, hoes and cutlasses from the storage room.

By the time we were done, everyone was exhausted. To be a prefect isn't easy at all. The fun part is you get to command people.

                           *  *  *

Break time

I joined my friends at the cafeteria. The cafeteria wasn't full like before. Maybe because the Ss3 students were in their class reading.

"Hi." I heard the voice from behind me, the voice I always hear in my dreams. Nobody needed to tell me it was Jumoke.

My friends started coughing and clearing their throats.

I looked back and raised a brow.

"I.....just came to give you your pullover. You left it with me last term."

"I left it with you or you purposely kept it to sniff my awesome scent?"

She rolled her eyes and dropped the pullover on my face. "Don't be too full of yourself," then she walked away.

"This girl is driving me crazy." I sighed.

"So, what are you guys gonna do about your crush on each other?" Lolade asked.

"Is it even crush? It's loove." Bayo chipped in.

"When are you gonna ask her out?" Clinton asked.

"I'm gonna ask her out, but not now. We still have time."

"Which time? Don't forget we'll be writing our final exams next year and then we'll graduate. You have less than one year."

I have less than one year?......we really have to settle our differences.

                           *  *  *

Closing time

Mr John had already arrived to pick me up but I told him I was waiting for someone.

I leaned on the car and waited patiently for her.

Later, I saw her coming with Chioma. They were laughing really hard. These girls like laughing.

"Jumoke," I called.


"Can I give you a ride home? We need to talk."

"Soorry. Chioma and I are going somewhere now."

"Okay. Are you free this Saturday?"

"Umm.... Let's see........Yes."

"I'll come and pick you by 2pm. Is that okay with you?"

"Make it 2:30."

"Alright. No problem. See you on Saturday."

I couldn't wait for Saturday to come.

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