Ch. 2 - Party fouls

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I walked into the party, feasting my eyes on the many screaming teens dancing wildly to the music

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I walked into the party, feasting my eyes on the many screaming teens dancing wildly to the music. The smell of alcohol wafted through the room--not that anyone seemed to mind.

The vibrant colors worn by the crowd of party-happy teens were enough to put one off colors all together. My journey through the packed room was made all the more laboring with every drunken body that stumbled into my path. The loud boom of the bass shot through me like a live wire, every change in beat vibrated within me. Sweat covered people bumped into me, some bumped a little more than others.

The kitchen laid before me, filled with leaning bodies, and a mountain of red cups. I slunk into the kitchen and gazed around the house in search of Bobby.

"Drink?" A guy said, as he came up behind me.

I put my hands up to wave him away. "No, I'm good."

He shrugged and walked off, chugging down the drink he had just offered me.

Was this it? A bunch of adult-sized children swaying about to the eardrum shattering noise they called music? I was beginning to doubt my reason for being here.

I stepped over the sprawled out bodies of those too-wasted to stand, and tiptoed over to the patio. There were a few party dwellers scattered in the backyard, but at least I could grab some fresh air.

Across the lawn I saw him: My reason.

It may have seemed silly, or even cliche, but I'd had a crush on Bobby for ages. Ever since I laid eyes on him. I was the new girl a couple years back and instead of ignoring me or making life difficult for me he was kind. He acknowledged me--and him being smoking hot didn't hurt either.

I leaned against the wood railing of the large patio deck, and tried my best to seem aloof. As if I wasn't seeking him with quiet desperation.

"Hey, you made it," Bobby said, as he strode over to me.

I wanted to think of something cool to say back. "Well, I was in the neighborhood," I said, half-impressed with myself for not stuttering.

Bobby walked up the steps of the deck and came to a halt beside me. "Is that so? In this neighborhood often?" He laughed.

I blushed. "Often? No. But I thought I'd make an exception, just this once." I was mentally high-fiving myself. How wasn't I speaking in tongues right now?

He looked up towards the sky, and I stole a glance. Had I woken up? Was I still fast asleep in bed? I didn't care to know.

"It's so beautiful," Bobby said, entranced by the night sky.

"Yeah, it sure is something." I stared at him with an intense fixation.

He turned to me, and smiled. "I'm glad you came tonight."

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