Ch. 7 (part 3)

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I had skipped the test I told my mom I needed to go to school for. But it was worth coming in anyways. I walked down the hall, making my way to the library. 

Through the large library windows I could see Madison sitting at a table, her nose in a book. Very odd indeed.

I crept into the library, getting as close as I could without being seen. What was she doing in the library? Had she gotten lost? Her perfect strawberry-blonde hair shone bright even under the listless lighting. I couldn't help myself, I needed to get closer to her.

Ducked down behind a bookcase, I peered through the openings on the shelves. Madison sat alone, her phone rested on the table. Books were laid out before her. Was she studying?

She left the table. I watched as she returned a book to a bookcase nearby. A wicked thought flashed into my mind. It flirted with me and I liked it. I looked down at my hands, and grinned. It had worked with cans, why not with chairs?

All my focus fixated on the chair, I waited for her. Slowly she returned. Each step teased me as she reached her chair and began to sit down. I closed my eyes, and thought only of bringing the chair to me. The moment she went to sit down she was met with the carpeted floor. Her chair banged against the bookshelf in front of me.

I wanted to laugh, but I held it in. Madison looked confused, and rightly so. She shook it off and got up, dragging her chair back to the table. She sat down and opened her book. It slammed shut. She looked around before opening it again. Once more it slammed shut. She struggled to pry it open, and when I finally let her she was knocked to the ground. 

I snickered without meaning to be heard. I held my hands over my mouth as she cautiously neared the bookcase. I had to think of something, and fast. Her skirt blew up as if a breeze had caught hold of it. She pushed it back down, and then again the invisible breeze returned.

Madison kept pushing her skirt down as she grabbed her books and tried to make her way out of the library. She let out intermittent squeals and screams as she ran off into the hall.

Was that wrong? Most definitely. Was it fun? Absolutely.

As I sat myself at the frightened Madison's table I eased my laughter. I pulled my phone from my pocket and placed it on the table. How was I going to upload this to the entire school? I wasn't tech-savvy, and Miller for sure wasn't going to help me now. 

I stared at the phone, my intent burned through it. I had managed to get the video off his phone and put it onto mine, but I had to actually look at his phone. I couldn't go around staring at every persons phone one by one. There had to be a faster way for everyone to see it. I slumped my hand against my face as I looked around the library. There were a few students scattered about, studying, or pretending to, and the librarian--the other, other Adeline--was perched behind her desk. She smiled and nodded at me. I waved my fingers at her. The only reason she liked me was because she thought my name was cool, and to be fair she was biased.

I sighed, feeling my confidence waning. I stared up at the TV mounted on the wall near the librarian's desk. A list of school events scrolled across the screen. I couldn't believe we needed TVs to remind us of something we could find out on the school website. I mean wasn't it a waste of money to have so many of them plastered all over the school?

I sat up straight. "All over the school?" I said as the other, other Adeline shushed me. "Sorry," I whispered.

That was it. I didn't need to go student to student, I could get to all of them at once. I pushed away from the table and hurried out of the library. I maneuvered my way down the halls to someplace more secluded. The TV near the back of the school, weirdest place to have one.

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