Ch. 19 - Siphon

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"We have to find her help, there's nothing we can do for her here." Bobby pushed away from us, and headed for the forest.

Miller flipped through his books. "There has to be something in here. There has to be. I just haven't found it yet."

Bobby grunted. "Those stupid books won't help her."

Miller rose, and faced Bobby. "Oh, yeah? Well I wouldn't expect a thick headed brute like you to understand using your brain once in a while." He gripped the book tight.

Bobby pushed his finger against Miller's chest. "Big talk for such a coward."

"Excuse me?"

"Hide in those books all you want. That's all you do, hide." 

Miller handed me his book. "Hold this."

"You guys, please, just stop this."

Miller made a fist, his fingers pushed tight into his palm until his knuckles turned white, and he struck Bobby. Or at least tried to.

Bobby ducked. "You won't be able to hit me with those chicken arms." He grunted, and swung his fist upwards.

Miller was knocked back. He rubbed his chin. "Chicken arms?" He let out a small laugh. "Better than daddy issues."

Bobby's eyes narrowed. His arm shaking, he grabbed onto it and squeezed tight. "At least I have a dad."

Miller gritted his teeth, and charged. "You ass." He tackled Bobby to the ground.

I remained by Madison's side. "Stop it. Please," I shouted.

They struggled on the forest floor. Bobby flipped Miller over, and stood up. Miller in his grip.

"It's easy to run your mouth, not so easy to back it up." He smirked.

Miller's face was bruised. "Bite me, Fido."

Bobby seethed with anger, and rammed Miller into a tree. The wood went flying, chipped away in an instant by the mere force of impact. 

"You're just jealous I got some of that first." Bobby taunted him.

Miller was beat up, and injured. Blood ran down his lip. "You piece of shit." Miller screamed, and struggled to break free.

Bobby squeezed Miller's shoulders tighter as he pinned him against the destroyed remains of the tree. "Admit it," he shouted.

I stood. "Please," I screamed. "None of this is going to help Madison."

Miller yelled out in pain. "You haven't changed a bit. You're still a monster."

Bobby snapped somehow. He seemed frozen in place. His grip soon loosened, and Miller fell to the ground. 

Bobby stepped over him, and walked off into the forest. "She's right. I'm not going to just stand around here while she dies. I'm going for help." He shot a look back at Miller. "Go read your little books." He walked off into the night.

Miller coughed, and took low, shallow breaths. 

"Are you okay?" I rushed over to him.

Miller strained to stand. "I'm fine." He brushed past me. "Let him go. He's not going to find anyone." He sat down near the fire, and dove into his books. The pages flipped hard, and with impatience. "The answer's got to be in here. I just know it."

I returned to Madison. How could they fight at a time like this? Madison twitched, and said more strange words with no meaning. A thought struck me. She mentioned the poem before...maybe these words had some hidden meaning too. 'No name' could mean the nameless queen, but I had no idea what the light going out meant, or what 'the wind is to go' was supposed to mean. 

I sat by her side, my hand gripped hers tight. "I'm right here, Madison. I'm here."

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