Ch. 4 (part 2)

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Miller? Miller? I couldn't believe my eyes, but there he stood before me. 

He shifted in place. "I saw you last the party," he said, his words as nervous as he appeared to be. 

My mouth opened, but I could not seem to find the words needed to express this turn of events. A sharp expletive would probably suffice, but even that failed to leave my lips. Instead I stood dumbfounded, I had found all the dumb, none was left to find.

"Miller?" My voice went up near the end.

He scratched the back of his head. "Sorry about the ominous note, that must've been--"

"Creepy," I shot out, cutting him off. 

He laughed nervously. "Yeah, I guess. I didn't think you'd meet me otherwise." 

My arms held crossed in front of me, I shifted my weight from one leg to the other. "I didn't see you."

His eyebrows pinched downward, his brow furrowed. "What?"

"At the party. I didn't see you there."

"I'm not surprised, I mean the way you left..." His look averted me.

"What do you mean, the way I left?" I held my arms tighter against me, and moved closer to Miller.

"I mean...I dunno, you just looked upset. Like you couldn't wait to get out of there, that's probably why you didn't notice you dropped your phone." 

My phone? How did he know I lost my phone?

I took a step back. "How do you know that?" 

"You bumped into me, remember?" 

I searched my memory of that night. It was so difficult to get out through that crowd. Everything was so loud, and in my face. On the way out, I believe I did bump into someone. Was that Miller?

A thought  surged. "Did you have my phone?"

"It fell from you, and you were gone so fast that I couldn't give it back in time. So...," he said, an uneasy grin building up. "I followed you."

I stepped back. "What? You followed me?"

He waved his hands out in front of me. "No, no, not in a weird way. Like, grr I'm gonna follow you into the night. More like, oh, her phone, I'm gonna follow her and return it. You know?" He said, his words falling from his mouth so fast, trying hard to make their point. 

I stared at Miller, my eyebrows raised as he clumsily rushed to explain himself. Wasn't he some mysterious loner? That's what I had heard at least. The Miller before me with a pained look on his face seemed nothing like the rumors.

I took pity on him. "It's okay, relax, I get it. You no bad, Miller good," I said, grunting out that last part.

He let out a single laugh before a quiet befell him. "That's not what I wanted to tell you though." His face was wrought with tension. A tension that soon infected me. 

"Then what did you want to tell me?" 

He swallowed, and I could see the struggle gripping him. 

"You were walking down that road, and you were all over the place. I should've just said something but...anyways, I had your phone, I was going to give it to you, then you tripped."

I craned my neck forward. "And?"

"And, I ran to you, as fast as I could...I neared you, but it grew dark, then lights flashed around us, and the road vanished." His words became wispy, and he lowered his head.

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