Ch. 16 - The beast

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Night had made its way to us, and we huddled around the small fire of our campsite near the stream. We had walked many hours before we settled here. There was no other choice really. Miller, and Madison couldn't keep carrying Bobby all night, and after such an eventful day I was certain we could all use a rest.

"How long are you going to read that book for? You should get some rest."

Miller looked up from his book, and gave a slight smile. "I know, but I'm just looking for something...anything, that could help us."

"Help us with what?"

"I don't know, with anything else that may try to kill us?"

I laughed before turning over. "Well, good luck with that. Goodnight Miller." I settled into my spot by the fire.


Madison spoke up. "Night to you too, Madison. Oh, thanks." She scoffed.

I tried not to laugh. "Goodnight, Madison."

I couldn't see her face, but I swear I felt her roll her eyes. "Whatever," she said.

As I settled in for the night, I found it hard to push out thoughts of the day that transpired. Too many events that could not be ignored took place. From Madison's breakdown, to Bobby's still comatose state, and let's not forget that mountain that tried to kill us. I may have gotten used to such things, but that didn't worry me any less. If Bobby won't wake up soon, we may have a serious problem on our hands. And just how did Madison know so much about a poem, and a curse, she's never heard of? None of it's making any sense. At least I have Miller to keep things relatively sane. I'm not sure what we'd do without him keeping us grounded.

With that thought in mind I drifted off to sleep. But I suppose the night had other things planned, for I kept waking up every hour or so it felt like. Try as I might I could not stay asleep. Tempted to turn over and see if Miller was awake, I became still when I heard him talking with Madison.

"Come on, nerd-alert, spill it. You're totally into her."

Miller seemed frazzled. "What? Why would you even say such a thing?"

"Because it's like super late, and you're still up reading that book."

It grew silent for a moment.

"I read it to help all of us."

"Save it, Einstein, I see the way you look at her." Madison made kissy noises, and said a name I couldn't hear. "Let me save you. Smooch, smooch, smooch."

I'm not sure what happened, but it sounded like someone fell over. Miller squeaked out something I couldn't hear.

"You've got it all wrong. I mean, it's all about the adventure, right?" He stammered.

Madison didn't seem to respond.

"What's that look for?"

"The adventure, really?"

"Yeah. I mean come on, we're camping out in a magical forest. Yesterday we ran down the side of a living mountain. How is that not cool?"

"Simple. Cause it's not. It's scary as hell, and dangerous. I could've died."

Of course Madison, that's what's important, that only you could have died. They both didn't seem to be saying much now.

"How's he doing?"

"Still rudely unconscious."

"He didn't mean to pass out."

"Well I passed out and I didn't just selfishly stay passed out."

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