Ch. 24 (part 2)

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We were halted next to a large wooden stage. A pole was mounted to the stage, and it led to a wooden rod, outstretched. Attached to the end of it hung a strong, brown rope. It swayed slightly in the night breeze. I could feel my knees go weak as I realized how we would be punished.

"My fair Foven people, we have been deceived by the devil. Our dearest Ghee was left for dead by the demon and her horde of sinners. May we find solace in their wickedness being expunged from this sacred place." An old Foven man spoke.

The crowd cheered in unison. Eager for punishment, eager for our deaths.

"Let us set the torches ablaze as we light up this forsaken night." The old Foven man signaled to two guards to light torches near the stage and around the crowd. 

"Let us find peace in knowing we have done right by our ancestors." The crowd lowered their heads as he spoke. "And now, rise with me as we smite these demons. Bring me the boy." 

With those words uttered, Miller was taken from us, and dragged onstage. He struggled and strained to break free, but four guards held him tight. 

"Miller, no, please. Please don't do this." I begged as Madison held onto me.

The rope lowered around his neck, and looped on tight. They pulled back and waited. 

"May our ancestors rest easy with this sacrifice." He nodded to the guards and they walked backwards, lifting Miller's body into the air.

I felt my legs give out. "No, please." I screamed. "Take me. Take me instead. I'm begging you." I cried out and fought against the guards. Madison pulled me back.

Miller struggled to breathe. I could see his eyes turn red, and his face turn purple. He was losing air. The color drained from his face as he dangled above the stage. His feet kicked out as they tugged harder.

I could feel my chest collapse as I fell to the ground. Madison grabbed hold of me and cried into my shoulder. 

"Don't look, just don't look. Okay? He wouldn't want you to see this, Adeline." She tried to fight back her tears.

"Miller." I sobbed, and felt my chest go numb.

A rage began rising within me. And this time I didn't want to ignore it. I didn't want to fight it. I wanted to give in, and I wanted to let it take over. I wanted to kill them all.

I stared up through hatred, and sights of red as I saw Miller's limp body hang before us. Twitches gave out now and then, but I could see the life leaving him. I could feel the pain in my chest growing stronger. Like a hole drilled deep. I wasn't just losing him, I was losing a part of myself. I had lost the chance to show him my feelings when he was alive, but I wouldn't let his death be in vain.

I rose from the ground and shook Madison away. "Stand back."

"Adeline? What are you doing?"

I pushed her back as I marched forward. The guards raised their staffs and I raised my hands to them. With a scream of rage I belted out in anger, and sent them flying backwards. The crowd was in shock as they scrambled to get away. Madison tried to stop me, but I knocked her to the ground and stepped forward. Tears ran heavy down my face as I bit into the seething rage gnawing at me. With every scream filled sob I raised a hand and blew another Foven away. And another. And another. One after the other they flew from me, some into buildings, or bushes. Others even further. I cried and I screamed, I screamed and I cried. 

I couldn't sooth this anger that had taken hold. Soon I fell to my knees in pain. I had pushed my powers too far, and I was to pay the price. Miller warned me about this. That the more I used them the more I lost myself. And he was right. I could feel the change growing within me. My skin more purple than ever. My hair stained blue, barely any of my own color left showing. My eyes had become a startling yellow. Fiercer than my own had been. Piercing like knives.

As I rose to my feet in my new form, everything around me grew hushed. The ground rumbled beneath us and the Foven people were scared to move an inch. Even if it meant saving themselves from me.

I watched as a strange figure emerged from the darkness of night. Their footsteps shook the very earth itself. And a low, haunting growl echoed out.

The strange creature burst forth from the shadows and bathed in firelight. It howled and screamed as the Foven scattered. It pawed at them as they passed. One knocked right into a torch, and soon the wall had caught fire. The great gate we entered through earlier that day was now swallowed by flames. 

It moved towards me and I craned my neck up. It stood a good seven feet over my head. Its skin green, and scaled like a lizard, with dark black patches of fur like a wolf. It bent its mighty head down next to mine, and breathed deeply. I saw right through its deep green eyes, and saw...


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