Ch. 26 - Petrakyss

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I sat surrounded by the moonlit orchestra of flowers that enclosed around me. Balls of light twirled across the air, light as a feather, gleeful and ever watching.

It was an upgrade from my dreary, darkened chamber. My prison-seat, right next to the nameless queen. She could look down on me from up high on her gilded throne. Her invading eyes haunting me, intruding on my last bit of privacy and peace. 

I had another dream again; a nightmare made of smoke and ash. My skin was purple, and my hair a deep blue. I could see my clawing yellow eyes digging into me every time I visited her. Every time I dreamed. It kept me going. It held me up through it all. To know that I was not alone, that she was there, and coming for me. For us.

I felt sad for her. An overwhelming sadness, it burrowed deep inside and carved itself into me. Last night it carved the mark deeper. More sadness filled me. Consumed me. It's as if every time she loses something, I find it. Her fear, her pain, her loss of hope.

I turned my head to avert the lingering gaze of the queen. My mouth kept shut. Tight and unflinching. I dared not speak. And I wished not to be spoken to.

"You're getting quite close now, aren't you?" The queen said, her voice echoed all around me.

I said not a word.

"It matters not what you say, or don't say, child, for I know all that goes on in this realm." 

I fought back the urge so many times before to speak, to lash out. To plead with my captor, throw myself at her feet and beg for mercy. Beg for freedom from this accursed place. Freedom from myself. For myself. But this time, I let my tongue slip.

"What's the point of all this?" The words rushed from my lips before I could take them back.

The nameless queen turned to me. A smile crept up her face. "The point?" Her stare sent chills down my spine. "That is not for you to understand...not yet."

"They've suffered enough." Again the words fled from me before I could come to my senses.

The nameless queen rose from her throne, and glided effortlessly down the stairs to stand before me. "Dear child." She bent down over me, and ran her slender fingers across my cheek. "They have only begun to suffer." She smiled, and stared into me. 

Try as I might, I could not look away from her gaze. 

"I see them. Moving closer to the final stone...closer to the end of this." She rose above me. "Little ones." Her voice was soft and maternal, it soothed the ear, but I saw through her facade.

I watched as the orbs of light around me gave her their full attention. Fighting over one another to be closest to her.

She smiled, and waved her hand before them. "I think it's time for the penultimate moment, don't you agree?" The lights grew brighter as they zipped about the air. "Good." She soothed them. "Bring me, Petrakyss."

I had no clue who, or what that was. But the way she said it, the look plastered across her face, and the reaction of her little ones, said it all. This Petrakyss was not to be taken lightly. I watched as they flew off and out of sight.

"Where are they going? Who's Petrakyss?" 

The nameless queen walked away from me, and stood before the stairs which ascended to her throne. "You'll see soon enough."

All became calm as the mass of lights returned and huddled around their queen. The skies grew angry as they parted. Clouds gave way to mighty winds that pulled back trees. My hair flew about my face and form with great strength. I could barely see through it all as a horrible sound blared. A screeching that stabbed the ears, plunging deeper the louder it grew. The winds settled, and I looked up at what had landed in the great plains before me.

A large winged creature stood on all fours. A thick, muscular body, a golden brown in color, covered every inch of its form. The only feathers it wore were on its massive eagle-like wings. Its body almost resembled a giant bear. With razor sharp talons on its feet. A large snake tale whipped about behind it, with a claw-like pinpoint at the tip. It lifted its fearsome head, like that of a rhinoceros. A large, protruding horn jutted out from the middle of its forehead. Six eyes blinked rapidly. And two sharp fangs hung over its mouth. It was the stuff of nightmares.

"Petrakyss, be a good boy for mother, and take care of a little problem." She cooed at the gruesome beast.

Petrakyss wailed out its screeching cry, and stomped the ground with its talons. With a flap of its wings the powerful winds cut loose.

"Good boy." She smiled. "Kill the others if you wish, but bring me her alive." Her tone was cold, and ruthless.

"No, you can't." I begged her.

Petrakyss screeched and stretched out its wings. With one massive burst it took to the skies. As it flew off I could hear its wailing cries, it sounded eager for death. 

I lowered my head as it vanished into the night. The nameless queen sat herself back on her throne.

"Monster." I whispered, my hair covering my face.

She laughed, and bellowed in glee. "Monster? Heavens, child," she said. "You have no idea."

A tear left my eye as I sobbed quietly to myself. The orbs of light hovered around me joyfully, and I held onto some fragment of hope I still had within me.

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