Ch. 2 (part 2)

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*Trigger Warning: The following contains scenes of aggravated sexual assault*

He led me by the hand down the long upstairs hall, coming to a stop outside the closed bathroom door.

Bobby knocked. "Is someone in there?"

Heavy breaths could be heard between the sounds of streaming vomit.

"Well, looks like that bathroom's out of the question. Any others lying around?" I said, trying to ignore the sounds continuing through the bathroom door.

Bobby looked down, and then scratched the back of his head. "My room has its own bathroom, if you'd wanna clean up there..."

Bobby's room? I'd be in Bobby's room? What dark god did I have to thank for this gift?

I centered myself, and said, "Sure, that's cool." Trying to contain the explosion of teenage-glee within me.

We walked down the hall, passing lovers locked in embrace, or passed out on the floor along the way. The further along we moved the less people seemed to be lazing about. The stretch of hallway ended with the door to his room.

"Don't mind the mess," he said, as he turned the doorknob and pushed open the entrance to my fantasies.

"I'm sure it's not that bad," I said, as I stepped foot on sacred ground.

His room was large, and not as messy as he seemed to believe. Dark hardwood floors lined the room, the walls seemed to be a shade of red, though it was too dark to know for sure. It was very much a teenage boy's room, the large TV on the wall, video game systems laid out, posters hung, underwear peeking out from under the bed--mental note for later.

"The bathroom's this way." He walked across the room and switched on the bathroom light. "I'll uh...leave you to it then."

I pushed past him, and for a moment I could feel our bodies touch. I'd have dragged that moment out, but I'm pretty sure lingering against him for twenty minutes would have been a red flag.

"Thanks, I won't be long," I said, closing the door behind me.

How was it possible a seventeen year old's bathroom was this remarkable? Bobby showered in here, these walls bore witness to everything he's ever done in this room. Wait...maybe I shouldn't think too hard about that last part.

I ran the faucet and lifted my dress up over my head. With my dress held in the light, I examined the damage which had been done. The stain wasn't as visible as I thought, thankfully. However, anyone with a working nose would be able to smell what happened. Damn.

I decided to lightly pat my dress down instead of scrubbing too hard with water and potentially making it worse. I'd have to change the very minute I got home, and then somehow sneak it in the laundry--or burn it, perhaps.

I draped my dress over the shower rod, and seated myself on the edge of the toilet and waited. Nearly fifteen minutes must have passed as I waited for my dress to dry enough for me to slip it back on.

Bobby knocked on the door. "Are you okay in there?"

"I'm fine. Just about done," I said, remembering I was still in his room.

I rose, feeling lightheaded as I stood there, my hands held onto the counter. A toothbrush was knocked to the floor.

"Summers?" Bobby said, hearing the racket I was making.

"It's nothing, a toothbrush fell." I lifted my dress off the shower rod and tried fitting it back on, but my balance was off and crashing to the floor I went.

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