Ch. 11 - The wise fool

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Morning broke out around us as I opened my eyes, arms outstretched. Sleeping on the ground outside is about as comfortable as you might imagine it to be. I sat up by the tree where I laid, and glanced around the campsite. My eyes still adjusting to daylight.

Madison screamed, and the shrill tone shot me wide awake.

"Ew, you creepy old man, what do you want from me?"

We all jumped up and stared blankly at the sight before us. An old man with pointy ears, and a long white beard, stood hunched over near Madison.

"Creepy? Now that's just rude."

I turned to Miller. "Any idea who or what he is?"

Miller looked back at me with a dumbfounded look as he scrambled to grab the book and scanned its pages to no avail. 

"Hey, gramps, you make it a habit to scare semi-pretty girls?"

"Not at all."

"Semi-pretty?" Madison groaned. "I wish you would've stayed dead."

I pushed into the conflict. "Let's just take a breather here. Sir, is there something we can help you with?"

The old man turned to me and smiled. The wrinkles around his eyes creased as he chuckled. "My, my, what a polite girl you are. I'm sure I must've given you all a fright. That wasn't my intention I assure you."

I smiled back. "Hey, accidents happen. My name's Adeline, that's Bobby, he's Miller, and the one giving me evil looks is Madison."

He held his arms behind his back and walked counterclockwise around us. 

"My, my, what a strapping young lad, such a shame about the--death, was it? Lizard thing? I suppose you mean the Lazow."

He walked past me, I eyed him cautiously. "And you, the one with the changing hair, and skin. You smell of the nameless queen."

He neared Miller, who just stood there with his book held tight. 

"My, my, what a fine book you have there." He closed his eyes as he smiled. "Not too certain it'll be of any use to you here. I have some that may help to illuminate things though..."

He stopped in place back beside Madison.

"What? You're not gonna do me?"

Bobby chuckled. "I'll--"

Madison's finger shot up as she glared menacingly at Bobby. "Shut it."

"Yes, yes, you' as well." He smiled.

Madison's mouth hung open. This may just be a good day after all.

"My name is Krumb. I live in these woods you see. I have for a very long time. Too long perhaps." He chuckled, and turned around to walk off into the forest. "This way, children."

We looked to one another before deciding to follow.

Madison laid on the ground, confused. "What? You're just gonna follow the strange old man? Hello?"

We walked past her and into the forest. I wasn't sure if we could trust this Krumb, but for now it seemed we didn't have any other option.

I walked behind the old man, Miller close behind, Bobby in tow, with Madison trailing at the back.

"Are any of you children hungry?"

"I could go for a bite," Bobby said.

"It has been a while since we ate anything."

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