Ch. 26 (part 2)

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We had traveled most of the day from where we stopped to rest. I barely slept that night. Tossing and turning with an unsettling feeling burning within me.

The map showed the last stone to be on the outer edge of this land. A journey that would have taken several days at best, but with Bobby in his newfound state it was taking no time at all. We would be there within the hour. 

"It might be under water again from the looks of it," Miller said from behind Madison.

"We'll cross the bridge when we come to it." 

"What even happens though, when we get this stone thing?"

I wasn't sure, all I knew was that it was the key to breaking my curse. The key to sending us home. 

"That's another bridge we'll have to cross." I shot her a smile as the wind flowed through our hair.

Bobby picked up speed as we leaped over rocks, and streams. Darting in and out of whatever came our way. When a tree found its way into our way, he'd crouch down low and spring up with all his strength to rise clear over it. It was like the worlds bumpiest roller coaster ride.

"I think my stomach's gonna hurl." Miller covered his mouth.

"Don't even think about it." Madison warned him.

It was comforting to feel some semblance of familiarity, despite the pain we all had felt. And how recent our wounds had been opened. Even if it was for show, I held onto that comfort with all my might.

Bobby curved in and out of the mass of fallen trees before him. Stopping just before a large patch of forest. 

"What's the problem?" I stroked the fur covering the nape of his neck.

He growled softly, and laid down low on the ground.

"Is this it?" 

He nodded as we climbed off his back.

"He's right, it should be just through these woods." Miller looked up from the map.

"Can't we just fly over it?" 

I chuckled. "Bobby can't fly." 

Madison scoffed. "Okay, jump or whatever, you know what I mean."

"No, I don't think so. Directly on the other side of these trees is the body of water where the last stone lies. So, unless you're up for a group bath..."

Madison shuddered. "No thanks."

I laughed as I rubbed behind Bobby's ear. "Thanks, Bobby." I pressed my head against his back.

He made a soft noise and then laid down before the trees.

"You wait here for us. Come on guys, let's get moving."

Bobby waited behind as we trekked through the cramped mass of trees. Branches struck and marked us as we pushed ahead. We were so close to ending this, it almost felt too good to be true. And with what Miller had discovered, I was almost certain nothing could stop us now. Almost.

"This is getting annoying." Madison groaned as another branch cut against her.

"We know, we're getting attacked here too." Miller strained against the suffocating trees.

"We're almost there, just a little further." I pushed through jagged branches that sought to keep me still. "I see something."

With one final push I broke through the last of the trees, and found myself standing at the edge of a large body of water. 

StarFall (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora