Ch. 9 (part 2)

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We backed away from the approaching danger. Bobby laid motionless on the forest floor as the blood pooled out around his lifeless form.

Miller stood in front of us, as the beast roared. Its teeth on full display. 

I couldn't take it. What was my life becoming? Fairy curses? Magic powers? Giant monsters? And to top it all off, my would-be assailant was just murdered in front of me. This wasn't the life I signed up for, this wasn't the life I wanted. The longer I was trapped here facing death, the sooner my town, and my parents, would be facing oblivion.

I balled up my fist, clenched my jaw, and neared the beast.

"Adeline, stop." 

I turned to him. "It's okay, I know what I'm doing...maybe."

I faced the towering monster as it looked down on me. It lowered its head and our eyes met.

I stared into his eyes, and said, "Leave us alone, or die."

It narrowed its gaze and blew wind from its nostrils at me. 

I said it again. "Leave us alone, or die."

Still it stared me down. Unsure of the threat level I possessed. I closed my eyes. These powers were a part of me, tapping into them shouldn't be this difficult. Push and pull. That's the basic idea, right? I had pushed that other beast back--granted I thought Miller was dead. Bobby seemed very much dead, but I didn't feel the same swell of emotions as I did then. I was more confused and conflicted over his death than anything else.

Breathe, Adeline. I kept telling myself in my head, over and over. Just breathe, and clear your mind. I raised my hands up, and aimed them high at the beast.

"Leave us alone...or die." My voice was low and steady.

It roared.

I opened my eyes and screamed. With every part of me aching I pushed the beast back. It barely moved, but I kept trying. I walked forward slowly, as if pushing against gravity itself. Bit by bit it moved back. The beast cried out. I pushed harder.

"Leave us alone," I screamed. 

It roared louder as it opened its jaw and tried to bite at me. I snapped its jaw shut, and it whimpered.

My voice came out in a low grumble. "Then die." 

My eyes glowed as I felt a wave wash over me, with one final push I sent the beast flying through several thick trees. Its body thumped hard against the ground. It wouldn't be bothering us again.

I collapsed to the ground as Miller ran to me. 

He knelt down and laid my head on his lap. "Are you okay?"

I struggled to open my eyes. "I think so. Is it gone?" I could barely speak.

"Yeah, it's gone." He chuckled. "That was amazing." His tone became serious. "You saved us, Adeline, but using these's going to kill you."

I coughed. "If I hadn't of used them that thing would have killed me, and all of us."

He looked over his shoulder. "Well, it got one of us."

I sat up, and looked at the corpse of Bobby Ferrari. Madison neared him and bent down.

"Bobby?" She said as she poked him. "I can't believe it." Her voice grew shaky. "What the hell is going on?" Her words trembled.

Miller helped me to my feet. Every small bit of movement made me want to scream out in agony. I had definitely overdone it. 

With his arm around me, we moved towards Madison and the lifeless Bobby.


Our hearts nearly stopped. The lifeless Bobby was not so lifeless after all. He groaned out, and Madison nearly fainted.

"But...your heart. We saw it..." Madison staggered back.

Miller brought us closer. 

"Bobby? Are you alright?" I said through the pain.

"Oh I'm great, Summers." He sat up. "I got stabbed through the heart, how do you think I feel?" 

Oh great, he's alive. How wonderful.

Bobby got to his feet. The blood from his wound had dried up. His scars still remained. 

"Thanks for saving me by the way. Not." 

"You don't have to be an ass you know," Miller said.

"Oh shut your trap. I'm still gonna get you back for that sucker punch, as weak as it was." He grinned.

"Bobby, can't you behave like a normal human being for even a moment?" I stood before him, barely able to stay on my feet.

"You sure you can handle being that close to me, Summers?" He smiled, looking me up and down.

"You're right, I do feel like I might vomit at any moment." 

He reached out for my hair. I fell backwards.

"What are you doing?"

"Chill out, I was just admiring the new do." He motioned towards my hair.

"What are you talking about?"

"Adeline, he's right," Miller said. "The top of your's blue."

I grabbed the top ends of my hair that hung over my face. It was blue. Great, more weirdness.

Miller walked behind me, and brushed the hair away from my neck. "That's not all."

"What?" I whirled around to face him. "What is it?"

He had trouble meeting my gaze. "The back of your neck. I don't even know how it's possible."

"Miller, you're freaking me out, just tell me."

He paused as if unsure how to get his words out. "Adeline, your skin is turning purple."

"What?" I grabbed at the back of my neck.

"Oh my god, gross," Madison said.

Bobby laughed. "Jeez, Summers, what did you get into?"

"What is going on? Why is this happening? Where are we?" I screamed out into the forest.

"I think I can answer that last question," Miller said as he flipped through the book.

We all turned to face him.

He looked up at us. "I think we're in the land of the fae."

The strange creatures, the forest I didn't recognize. We were far from home now, but I was one step closer to ridding myself of this curse, and finding the other Adeline. That is, if we could survive.

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