Ch. 12 (part 2)

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This had become a regular occurrence. I sat up, groggy but no longer weak. I tried to move, but found myself strapped down.

"She's awake." 

"What's going on?" 

"It's okay, we just had to tie you down...for your own safety," Miller said.

"My safety?" I squirmed. "Yeah, I feel real safe."

The old man walked into view. "Believe it or not, it is for your safety. But, yes, ours as well. You did do quite the number on that one." He motioned towards a fainted Madison.

I looked over at her, lying so still, and silent. 

"What did I do?"

The old man did not speak, he only mixed some strange liquids together in a cup.

"You drained her."

I looked to Miller. "What? How would I--"

He shook his head. "We don't know. He thinks it's to do with your curse."

The old man mumbled as he stirred the liquids.

"I don't understand." My head was spinning, but not from pain, or confusion, I felt elated, and strong. "What did I do to Madison?"

"Quiet, cursed one." The old man walked to my side and sat down on a chair next to me. "She will be fine. She only needs rest. You were stopped before she was killed." He smiled, crushing a powder into the cup.

"Killed? I almost..." I felt sick. I didn't like Madison, but the thought that I almost killed her, I couldn't handle it. "What are you mixing?"

He looked up at me. "Something yummy." He laughed.

Bobby stood near the doorway, not saying a word. Miller stood over the old man's shoulder, trying his best not to look worried. I couldn't even bring myself to look at Madison. I hated myself for not caring as much as I should. What was wrong with me? I nearly killed her and all I can think about is how I'm still hungry.

He stopped mixing the concoction. "Drink this." He held the cup over my mouth.

"Excuse me?"

"No talking. Drink," he said as he poured it into my mouth.

I gagged as it slid down my throat. This slimy, cool substance felt strange, but it didn't taste too bad. It almost tasted familiar. I closed my eyes as thoughts of that warm light came rushing back to me. Whatever this was tasted just like those lights. I gulped down more, I couldn't get enough.

He pulled the cup away from me. 

"What are you doing?" I craved more.

"Pace yourself. Too much and you'll be impossible to deal with." He stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "You can untie her now."

Miller did as the old man said, and undid my restraints. I pulled away from the straps as I sat myself up. 

"How do you feel?" Miller said.

I wasn't sure. I couldn't exactly say I felt amazing. Not after what I did to Madison. "Better." I smiled lightly.

The old man walked over to us. "Euphoric is more like it. No?" He smiled.

"What are you talking about?"

He looked into my eyes. "Lies are a funny thing. Once you get old enough you've seen them all." He smiled, and closed his eyes.

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