Ch. 32 (Part 2)

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We were on solid ground once more as we stopped briefly to gaze upon the destruction.

"Quickly now, boy. Don't let up." The old man patted the side of the beast as it roared under its breath.

It galloped through the herd of trees before us as we raced away from the recent memory of the nameless queen, and raced towards home.

We rode in silence as all around us the forest went wild. Animals making scarce as they ran about. The very trees themselves in an uproar.

I noticed Madison staring at me. "What is it?" I looked around anxiously.

She shook her head slowly. "Nothing.'s just..." She paused and titled her head. "You're really pretty."

I blushed before clearing my throat. "Um. Thanks...?"

She rushed past the compliment. "Whatever. You're still little miss Adderall." She crossed her arms and peeked at me before stealing a glance towards the other Adeline. "Where's--"

"Let's not talk about it right now." I stopped her, fearful of what the other me might do. "Okay?" I feigned a smile.

Madison looked intently at the other me before pulling her gaze away. "Whatever."

The beast galloped harder, its feet barely touching the ground as it gliding on air. It was hard for me to believe it was actually Bobby. I was hesitant to let my hands touch him.

"Quickly now, beast boy. We must get them to the opening before it closes." 

"Excuse me?" Madison chimed in. "Well, are we going to make it?" Worry hung on her words.

The old man laughed. "Or die trying." 

We looked at one another as he patted the side of the beast again and we moved faster through the flurry of trees.

I looked back at the distance put between us and where I was once held; trapped. Relief began pouring into me, I was finally free, and almost home. But the thought dawned on me. I looked to the other Adeline and a worry soon filled me up again. How could I go home if there were two of us still...and how exactly were we both still here if the queen...that monster...was no more.

"Almost there." The old man laughed louder.

I broke from my thoughts and set my sights ahead of us. It almost felt like my body was pulling me forward. The lingering in my chest to leave this place and return home was strong. I gripped the hand of the other me tightly as we began losing speed.

"Finally. Let me off this ride." Madison readied herself to climb down once we came to a complete stop.

"Last stop, everybody off." The old man chuckled as he fell from the beast and stood before us. 

I helped the other me to the ground and propped her up. Madison quietly moved to the other side and helped me. I did my best not to make a big deal out of it, I knew she'd hate that.

We walked towards an opening in the forest, a doorway of vines and leaves that grew ever smaller the more we walked towards it. As we neared it I stopped and turned around.

"What about..." I motioned my head towards the beast. "Him."

The old man stroked his beard and met my gaze. "He'll be alright. I'll take good care of him."


He waved a hand in front of me. "He cannot leave this place the way he is now...I'm sorry, it's just the way it is. The way it is, it is." He smiled.

I broke from his gaze and stared up at Bobby. I walked the other me over to him and reluctantly placed both our hands on him. "Thank you." I turned to myself. "I think that's what she'd say right about now..." I stared into his eyes, his deep green eyes I once admired...I almost admired them again somehow. "And I thank you as well...for bringing us home." My words faded as I turned from him.

"Let's go." Madison hurried us along.

We stepped through the archway and out into the cool air of night. As we looked back the opening was closing behind us. The old man waved us off as we turned and stepped forward. Walking past Madison's car as we made our way home.

"We did it," I said softly to myself. "We're home." 


The journey was over and far behind them, but danger lurked closer than they thought. The car laid on the roadside alone, not a soul in sight as the wind tickled the trees and carried an aroma of something most sinister and foul on its current. Billowing out from the thicket in wafts of purple was smoke, a deep and entrancing shade of violet. It poured over into the night and carried off into the small town of , and with it carried the melodic laughter of what was yet to come.


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You did it!

That's right. You!

Way to go! You made it all the way to the end of StarFall. 

The journey is far from over though, and in the sequel book, StarRise, you can expect to find more magical mayhem, such as: both Adelines having powers, where Miller went when he became the wind, what the purple mist/smoke did to the town, who the laughing woman was at the end of the story, and so much more!

I've plotted most of the book out, and would love to write it! But, only if you want to read it. So, if you're up for the conclusion in book 2 of the series then let me know! If we can make it to 50,000 reads then I'll put all my effort into making the sequel, and making it even better than the first book!

Thank you so much for giving me your time, and for joining me on this journey. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and came to care for these characters as much as I have (even Bobby).

Till next time,


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