Ch. 25 - Human

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All around us Fovalla burned. Landmarks crumbled, and the great gate's fire grew high. 

I stood before Bobby, now fully transformed. He was massive. Larger than the Chief Lazow we had fought. His colors were different too. There was a wild look in his eyes. One that scared me stiff.

"Bobby? Don't you recognize me? It's Adeline." I tried to smile through the tears.

I had just seen Miller get the life squeezed slowly out of him, and now Bobby had been taken over by the beast. 

He thrashed about as I tried to reach out to him. Madison pulled me away.

"Adeline, don't. Stay back." She grabbed onto me.

"But it's Bobby. We can't just leave him like this."

"Adeline, we have to go. There's nothing we can do now." She pleaded with me.

I looked on as Bobby ran amuck. Knocking down buildings and tossing Foven around like rag dolls. I turned away to Miller. His body dropped during the commotion. I made my way to his side, to say one last goodbye.

I looked down at his pale, lifeless skin, and stroked back his hair. I smiled as a tear fell from my eyes and onto his face. When a slight twitch gave out after he was struck by the tear, I nearly screamed.

"Miller?" I exclaimed, my hope not fully dead.

He coughed, and strained to open his eyes. His cough was rough and hoarse, I could see the mark around his neck, purple and bruised, digging into his skin, as he tried to sit up.

"Take it easy, okay?" I sobbed.

He coughed more as he sat himself up, and took a look around Fovalla. "What happened? Are you okay?" He looked to me.

I cried, and tried not to laugh. "You idiot. Stop worrying about me. You were dead for crying out loud."

"Really?" He coughed. "I guess I can't even die right, huh?" He strained to laugh.

I wiped away tears as I chuckled. "Yup. Worst die-er ever." 

I helped him to his feet, and Madison ran around to his other side.

"Welcome back, nerd alert." She grinned, holding back tears.

He tried to smile as he looked out at the beast. As he laid eyes on Bobby.

"Is that?"

I nodded. "It's him. He finally changed all the way."

"Well, that's just perfect." He looked me up and down. "Did you do something with your hair...and skin?" 

I laughed. "Very funny."

His look grew stern. "Adeline, what did you do?" His eyes held firmly on me as the light from the fire burned bright.

I tried to shy away from him. "I did what I had to."

"Adeline, it could kill you, using those powers."

"They killed you. I couldn't just let that go." I sobbed as screams and cries wailed around us.

He gazed at me with a look of almost happiness, or content. "Well, there are worse things to think about right now. We'll come back to that." He turned his attention to Bobby the beast.

"We have to get out of here before he totally loses control." 

"No, we can't just leave him, Madison."

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