Ch. 15 (part 2)

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My feet carried me to Madison's side. "What's wrong?" I tried to console her. I tried to calm her wailing.

"Adeline, he's barely moving."

I shot a look back to Miller standing over Bobby.

"Stars will fall."

I turned back to Madison. "What?"

Tears ran down her face, her mouth twisted into a smile. "Stars will fall, stars will fall, stars will fall." The words repeated over and over.

"Madison, please, I don't know what's wrong." I grabbed hold of her as she fell to her knees.

She squirmed, and shook as I knelt down. Her tears continued to run down her face, her smile ever present, but her eyes seemed to tell the truth. They seemed to show the pain she was in. I ran my hand through her hair, and tried to soothe her. I laid her down, and little by little her tears retreated, her smile wore down, and she closed her eyes.

"What the hell is going on?" Miller said.

I walked towards him. "I wish I knew. Do you think you can carry him?" I motioned to Bobby's unconscious body.

He half-smiled. "Excuse me? There's no way I could carry him. I'm more clothes than man. Pretty sure physical strength is something I wasn't born with."

I cocked my head to the side and placed my hands on my waist. "Well there's no way I can carry him."

"Rock, paper, scissors you for it?"

My mouth dropped open. "No way."

"Come on, you might win."

"Or I might lose."

"You're both giving me a headache." Madison groaned from behind us as she sat up.

"Don't move too fast." I returned to her side.

She held a hand to her head. "What's going on?"

I looked at Miller. "You mean, you don't remember?"

She looked at us like we were the crazy ones. "Remember what?"

Before I could tell her, Miller spoke up. "You fainted from the heat. We were just letting you rest till you recovered." 

Why was he lying to her? I studied his face trying to find my answer. 

She looked past us. "What's wrong with him then?"

We looked back. 

"Same thing. Heatstroke." 

I pulled Miller aside for a moment. "Why are you telling her that?"

He looked back to Madison. "Because, she clearly doesn't remember her little psychotic break, and I don't know what telling her will do." He looked behind us to Bobby. "And I don't feel like carrying two of them."

I smiled, and patted him on the shoulder. "So it's agreed, you're carrying him." I walked back over to Madison.

He tried to protest but gave in with a sigh.

We kept moving towards the mountain range in the distance. The stone still seemed to be at the top according to the map. 

I walked in front with Madison, to keep an eye on her. Miller was close behind, though he struggled to keep up with Bobby on his back.

He groaned. "This is brutal." His steps were slow. "How much further?"

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