Ch. 17 - Emotion

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Hours had passed since I awoke to the new-bobby. Bobby the beast. He had left soon after he woke up. He had gone hunting for food. Something I had begun thinking of recently. My powder supply was running low.

My mind wandered back to that dream. Or, whatever it was. A glimpse? How did she know I could see her? That meant she knew we were here. The thought sent chills down my spine. My heart went out to the other me. She had all the right in the world to hate me, but she didn't. It wasn't like I wanted this to happen, but she was as much a victim as I was. I had to save her. I had to save myself.

Madison brushed past me as Miller approached. I dared not look her in the eyes after eavesdropping last night.

"Hey," Miller said, his hands in his hoodie pockets.

I tried to smile. "Hey."

He exhaled. "Crazy morning, huh?" He chuckled.

"Very." I felt so uncomfortable. I mean, among everything else, I had heard things I shouldn't have last night.

"You maybe wanna go for a walk." He said, looking past me at Madison.

I turned to catch her stretching. She shot me a strange look.

"Can't a girl stretch in peace?" She scoffed at me and I turned away.


He smiled, and we walked ahead of Madison. Bobby had told us he'd find us if we ended up going on ahead without him.

"Don't worry, I couldn't lose you guys if I tried." He sniffed loudly. "You all reek."

That's what he said before running off this morning.

Miller and I walked along the stream. Madison was far off behind us. I kept feeling like she was staring at us.

"So, what's up?"

He looked blushed. "Nothing." He gulped. "I just thought we could use some one-on-one time." He punched my arm lightly.

I furrowed my brow. "Okay." I laughed, and punched him back. "You're acting weird today."

He nearly tripped. "Weird? Weird how?"

I wanted to tell him what I heard last night, but I couldn't. I needed to get away from him right now. I had to clear my head.

"Is it alright if we postpone this walk? I kind of need to be alone right now."

He raised his eyebrows, and looked as if he wanted to say something, but didn't. "Sure." He nodded.

I smiled, and touched his arm. "Great, thanks."

I walked ahead of him, and watched as Madison ran up next to him. It looked like she pushed him, but I was out of sight, and couldn't see much else.

I let it go, and walked ahead by myself.

I held my shirt collar up to my nose and sniffed. Definitely smelt better. I needed to wash up. I followed the stream through a patch of forest, and happened upon a small body of water. I took a look around and decided to take the risk of being seen. Maybe I'd feel better after a good wash.

I left my clothes behind as I waded into the cool water. It tickled my skin. My body shivered before I could adjust to its temperature. I didn't have anything to clean myself with, but I could still get a good soak in.

I pushed my head under the water, and held it there. I sat for a moment below the surface, and looked up at the scattered light broken by the still waters overhead. I watched, and lost myself in the moment. Before long I forgot I was still under the water. Panicked, I shot up and took a deep breath in. I gasped for air, and coughed.

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