The Sincerest Nausea

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Traveling through the various halls of the lower level, Nick kept track of where they were going. He marked the places on the map that he had of the tunnels and drew in changes where they occurred. The creature had obviously made adjustments to the tunnels over the years. What caused things to be even more difficult was the vast size of the lower level. Compared to the lower, the upper was a small apartment while the lower was several mansions put together.

Even now, they had only covered maybe an eighth of the whole level, and that had taken a little over a day's time. Technically, it had been Nick who had explored that much, but they knew that it was pointless to go back to those other areas unless they were running from the creature. Thankfully, it seemed to have no interest in attacking them currently. That boded ill for Laura and the other investigators if they were still alive.

Another pressing issue was their flashlights' battery power. They didn't have an indefinite supply, and Nick had lost his extra batteries when his lock picking gear had been stolen. As for their phones, the creature had broken Nick's, and hers was dead. She had forgotten to charge it before leaving since she had been in such a rush. Needless to say, they had to get Nick bandaged quickly and find a way to unlock the gate before they lost light. The creature already had too many advantages over them; it didn't need another.

Looking out ahead, there was a metal door to their right. Both of them stopped and checked the map. It was an inconvenience that the map didn't have any details about the rooms on it; it only gave the basic layout. "Do you think that could be a kitchen or bathroom?" she asked, walking over to it slowly with Nick.

"It's possible. We haven't come across a door like that one before. It almost looks like it could lead to a freezer."

"Well, then there must be a kitchen nearby. It could also lead to the kitchen." (F/n) handed her flashlight over to Nick and grabbed the handle. She hoped that it wasn't locked. It turned and creaked loudly. If the creature were anywhere in the vicinity, it just learned their location. Almost, she had yelled at the door when that had happened, but the door did open.

She took her flashlight back and illuminated the room inside. Metal shelves lined the perimeter of the room, and expired food rested on some. A rotten smell radiated out from the space since the freezer had stopped working. Covering her nose, she advanced in as she saw another door. That had to be a kitchen on the other side.

The door creaked shut behind her and locked. She spun on her heels and shone the light on it. Nick looked back to her, and she sighed in relief. It made the most sense that it had been him, but she never knew with that thing. Turning and heading back to the door, she found it unlocked as well. This one didn't make as loud as a sound as the other door, but it still gave them away to a degree.

Her flashlight highlighted the contents of a kitchen. Metal counters and tables were throughout the spacious room while more expired food existed. Nose remaining covered, she went further in. She directed her attention over to the metal cupboards. Dust covered the knobs, but that was better than them being coated in crimson.

As she opened the first few, Nick closed the door behind them once more but couldn't lock it since no lock was present. "Anything yet?" he questioned, going to some of the cupboards himself.

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