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Reluctantly getting out of the shower and getting dressed Hattie returned downstairs to stop anyone, like Charlie, from asking anymore questions. Her wet hair dripped on her grey hoodie and occasionally onto her black leggings. She curled up in the same armchair she did everyday and listened to what everyone was saying.

Lily was reading a muggle newspaper 'The Sun', and she and Remus were discussing an article on self-harm. "Says here that over forty percent of adults claim that people who self-harm are attention seeking." She read out. "Whereas over thirty percent believe that those who self-harm do it for fun."

"Can be true. Some people do do it for those reasons. Some actually because they are depressed." Added Sirius. "I've never seen what it is meant to do. I don't know how it is meant to help."

Hattie glanced down at her arms that were covered by her hoodie. Just hearing about the subject they began to itch.

What would her father believe if her found out that she harmed herself?

That the feeling of the cold blade on her skin and how it glided over it and sliced cleanly was a wonderful feeling. How the crimson blood ran down so blissfully that it left her mesmerised at the sight of it. The pain that it caused felt so beautiful compared to her usual numb pain.

Hattie's eyes darted back to her father who was reading over Lily's shoulder. "I mean it not great, but all those kids doing to fit, as a way of getting attention is ridiculous. Some people do actually do it because it gives them relief. Somehow anyway."

"I think it's a way of having more pain to overthrow the pain they feel inside." Said Peter. "But then again, I haven't experienced anything close to it so I can't exactly comment."

Hattie was disgusted. They knew nothing. They know NOTHING.

Peter was right. He couldn't comment, neither could Sirius. They wouldn't be saying anything like they were if they knew the feeling.

Hattie closed her eyes and leaned of her hands whilst her elbows rested on the arm of the sofa. Her arms still itches as she held a fake smile on her lips whilst Tonks spoke to her about how her auror training was going. "Not bad, I'd say." She said, "but as your dad keeps saying, I have an advantage in the camouflage aspect." The woman laughed.

Hattie noticed Remus glance their way at the sound of Tonks laughing, a small grin curly the tips of his lips before he looked away. Hattie could tell he fancied the young woman and it was so obvious she fancied him back. Yet, Hattie also didn't give a damn.

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Hattie could hear the sound of Ginny's low breathing as the girl slept in the bed near hers. Hattie, herself, couldn't sleep. Her eyes stared up at the glow in the dark stars stuck to her delivering which illuminated like a clear night sky. She was waiting until around one in the morning until she could sneak downstairs and out into the front garden.

The minutes were slowly ticking by and Hattie was getting sick of the waiting. It reached half past midnight and she gave up waiting. Sliding her slippers onto her feet, Hattie adjusted the zip on her hoodie and left the bedroom.

Tip-toeing down the stairs she made sure to avoid any creaking stairs and slipped past the living room where she could he the soft chatter of Charlie, Bill and Tonks.

She opened the front door and shut it quietly behind her. Her feet padded against the path before transferring onto the grass. She laid down on the grass, looking up at the sky which was clear.

Under her breath she muttered names of stars and constellations as her eyes grazed over them. Many of which were names of her relatives, her father deciding to break the tradition and name her Harriet, Hattie for short. She was sure that both he and James had planned baby names together.

The girl was born after Harry. Him being on the thirty-first of July, Hattie on the twentieth of August. Her mother didn't name her, her father did and ironically the girl and her god brother having similar names seemed all too coincidental.

Tonks heard the door shutting and looked to her two friends. "What was that? Who just went outside?"

Charlie looked out the window and saw Hattie laying on the grass. "Hattie. I'll go and see why." He left the house and sat down beside her. "Shouldn't you be asleep, missus?"

Hattie don't look at him and she shrugged, continuing to mutter the names. "Hattie?"

"Canis Major...Canis Minor...Bellatrix..."

"Hattie, why are you out here?" Charlie wave his hand in front of his face. "And don't just shrug your shoulders. I know something is wrong. Please just tell me."


"Why not? Hattie you've changed. You are normally so smiley and happy, but lately you haven't been. In fact you haven't been for...years now..." he realised trying to remember the last time she was truly happy. "It's your birthday next week. You're supposed to be smiling. You don't want to be here do you?"


"Do you want to be at your mum's?"


"Where then?"

"Not on this Earth." She stated.

Charlie was confused. What did she mean by that? He knew she liked space and learning about it but he didn't know she wanted to go into space....wait!

"Hattie, do you want to die?"

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