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The next morning Seamus woke up with a face full of hair. He didn't mind it too much, he just rather it hadn't tickled his face and woke him up. He was having a lovely dream and a great nights sleep when Hattie's hair had tickled his face causing him to open his eyes and shift his head. Now that he was wide awake he knew there was no way he would be able to return to sleep even when a yawn slipped from his lips.

Flickering his eyes down, he came across Hattie still with her head on his chest and his arms wrapped around her. Surprisingly, his arm that was beneath her was not dead unlike what happened when he and Dean fell asleep at his house in the summer. Dean and Seamus were squashed up against each other at one end of the sofa as they along with all of Seamus' cousins had fallen asleep in the living room after playing some games which involved a ton of firewhisky and other alcohols. Dean had fallen asleep against Seamus' arm and when Seamus awoke the next morning, hungover, he had no feeling of his arm.

It must have been because of the significant weight difference between Hattie and Dean; there is nothing of Hattie courtesy of her years of anorexia and bulimia. Seamus' fingers lightly trailed down Hattie's bandaged arms and the boy couldn't get the images of the girl falling and the bloodstained rips in her arms from his head. It was something that would haunt him until his dying day. She did not deserve any of this.

In the corner of his eye, Seamus noticed the diary that sat on the table beside the bed light up. out of curiosity he gently leaned over and picked it up. Hattie had told him about the two-way diary between her and Charlie and he wondered what Charlie had to say at six in the morning. He opened it to take a look.

Morning, baby girl,

I know you're probably asleep still at this time but the dragons are calling me haha, I hope you have a good day today and that you will eat all that you are given.

I received a letter only moments ago from Professor McGonagall she says that Seamus has been to see you and has stayed with you all afternoon and had snuck you some cake from the feast. He's a good lad.

Don't let Dallin anywhere near you, please?

I've got to go now, Hattie, I will talk later, get some rest.

Lots of love and cuddles,

Charlie xx

Seamus smiled at the lovely note and shut the diary ready for Hattie to read later. He also knew about the nickname, 'baby girl', Charlie had given her. At first, he was rather dubious because that's normally what a boyfriend calls a girlfriend but Hattie told him that Charlie always saw her as a little sister and he used to call Ginny it when she was little but when she got older he stopped. Seamus thought it was cute.

Hattie nustled further into Seamus' chest a sigh emitting from her lips. Glancing at his wrist, Seamus read the time and concluded that she should probably wake up.

He rubbed her arms gently, "Hattie, time to get up," he said to her softly.

Hattie's eyes fluttered open at the sound of Seamus' accent which had thickened from sleeping. "What time is it?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Seven fifty-three." He told her.

Groaning she placed her head backs down on his chest and closed her eyes. "Sleep good. Awake bad." She fold him and covered his eyes with one of her hands.

He carefully took her hand away and chuckled sending vibrations onto Hattie's body. "Time to get up, Hattie, no arguments or I won't play cards with you again."

"No fair!" Hattie cried sitting up, "what's so wrong with sleeping?"

"Nothing, but Madam Pomfrey will be up soon to give you breakfast and I can't move with you on me. If I sit on the chair beside you she'll think I came in early this morning."

Hattie nodded brushing her curls from her face, "You're right."

Seamus' eyes fell into her face and noticed the eye lash on her cheek, he slowly reached up and swiped it away with his thumb. "You and a-"

He was cut off by Hattie placing her lips on his for a brief moment.

Seamus' face brightened to a shade of red and his eyes stayed opened wide, not blinking. "Erm...er...uh...what was that for?" He asked struggling to form a full sentence.

"Auntie Lily always says that when you find something that you really like you should keep hold of it, then she kissed Uncle James so..." Hattie giggled awkwardly. Upon seeing his shocked ace her smile faltered and she frowned,"Don't hate me, I'm sorry."

"I don't hate you, Hattie, don't apologise. I..I just...you're sick, Hattie. I don't want you doing this because you think you like me."

"I don't think. I know. Just because I'm 'sick'," she used air quotations, "doesn't mean I don't know what I do and don't like. I tried killing myself for crying out loud, Seamus. I wanted death, just as much as I want you now."

Seamus smiled and shakily placed his hands on her cheeks, Hattie stiffened at his actions, confused. "Then I want you too," he leaned down and kissed her softly.

From what she learned with Dallin, Hattie moved her lips against Seamus'. As much as they were not quite in sync, it still was a sweet and tender kiss which made the pair pull away with bright smiles and rosy cheeks.

Madam Pomfrey entered the hospital wing and came to check up on Hattie noticing their red faced but she didn't question them. She assumed they had both said something or other And it was not them being sick.

"How are you feeling, Hattie?" She asked softly, different to how she normally is with students.

Hattie glanced at Seamus who looked down at his lap, "I'm feeling great."

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