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The voice of Voldemort echoed around the courtyard bringing all those alive out of the remains of the school. A crowd formed in front of the large doors which stood propped open presenting a corridor of rubble and devastation. At the centre stood the Weasley family, their close friends and relations around them, then further students and teachers were dotted around them all until the entrance was filled.

In shackles, Hagrid stood crying held tightly reigned by deatheaters. In his arms laid a lifeless headmaster, his long white hair and long white beard dangling, just like his arms, towards the floor.

"NO!" Cried out Harry, he had a special bond with the headmaster which had now been broken, just like Harry's heart did when he saw the note about his god sister.

Voldemort cackled, his shining white fangs on show for all to see. "Yes, dear boy! The not-so-great Albus Dumbledore is dead and I am the owner of the Elder Wand!"

From the crowd, Fred laughed. "That's the great and powerful, mysterious locked, Albus, Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore to you baldy!"

Voldemort's eyes shot towards Fred and with a flick of the elder wand he tried to hurt Fred. It did not work. The darn wand did not answer to him.

Fred jeered at the evil man, shrugging his shoulders as George elbowed him to stop.

"Such misfortune that you are from the blood-training family, boy, for you could be as powerful as me but no you chose the wrong side. CRABBE!" Voldemort turned to the elder version of Draco's meathead mate. The plump, brainless-looking man stepped forward, listening to Voldemort's whispers before turning to Fred and sending a flash of red towards him, hitting him in the groin where his limbs locked and he fell backwards. He was stunned.

Molly shrieked, falling to her sons aid, quickly in stunning him and bringing him to his feet. She shot daggers at the deatheaters, gritting her teeth. Nobody gets away with hurting her babies.

The death eaters cackled and Voldemort edged closer to them in a dance-like manner. "Oh look, it's blood-training Black. Sirius, hows young Harriet?"

Sirius lunges forward but was held back by Remus and James who didn't want to let him go in case anything he did ended up with him getting killed.

Bellatrix stepped forward, guffawing and waving her wand around. "Lovely daughter, shame you killed her."

"I DIDN'T KILL HER!" Sirius roared, anger pulsating his veins.

Charlie stiffened at the sound of Hattie's name, he felt a hand side into his and grip it tightly. He looked down to see Seamus, covered in soot from all the explosives he had let off under the command of McGonagall. Charlie had almost forgotten that technically, Seamus was still Hattie's boyfriend and that he too would be hurting. Charlie squeezed Seamus' hand, both men trying to comfort one another. Seamus was the only person to really know the extent of Charlie and Hattie's relationship, other than Remus of course and Seamus understood that Charlie probably was hurting much more than her was, despite it seeming highly impossible.

"But you did, Siri, you caused her to do what she did. You left her alone in the dark with no comfort or help. We helped her. We respected her wishes and she respected us. We are more family to her than you will ever be!"

"That is bullshit!" James shouted, "we love her and are her family!"

"Are you though?" A younger voice spoke up. "You're not even blood!" Out from the crowd Dallin Winter stepped forward, "you don't care about her! Otherwise she would never have gotten into that mess."

"Yi can shut yi mouth! Yi are nothing but a manipulative, selfish predator! Yi don't care about Hattie, yi practically handed her the blade!" Seamus screamed.

"Did I? Or did you?"

"Why yi little-"

"ENOUGH!" Voldemort's voice bounced around the courtyard. "Who cares about who did what or didn't do what! What I care about is if anyone wants to join us now, do so, otherwise opposition will face a terrible ending."

Nobody stepped forward. Not even Draco whose father begged him to stand by his side. Instead, Draco stayed close to Luna Lovegood who stood on the steps.

Then all of a sudden, the sound of shows hitting the cobble stones echoed. Neville stepped forward.

"Neville no!" His mother yearned for him to come back, tears automatically raining down her cheeks. Nobody could believe their eyes. Neville, the once dumpy little boy who stuttered after every word, the boy who always had things going wrong for him, choosing evil over good.

"Come now boy, come to me," Voldemort insisted a smile spreading on his lips.

Neville limped forward and Charlie caught sight of the bandage around his leg. Neville stopped halfway. "I would like to say something."

Voldemort nodded, "go ahead..."

"Dumbledore did not die in vain. He died a hero. He was a wonderful man who was never scared of what life would bring. He remained positive in any circumstance and is one of the best men in the world. He faced his end with valiance and what for? Not for himself. But for everyone stood around me. He did not die for no reason. He died for one thing and one thing only. Love. Something you have not felt and never will feel-"

"STUPEFY!" Dumbledore pointed a wand at the evil wizard who was sent flying backwards. He jumped from Hagrid's arms amazing everyone around him as he was not in fact dead but very much alive.

Chaos erupted in the courtyard and spells were being shot left right and centre. At the heart of it was Dumbledore and Voldemort. Where Dumbledore got the wand no one knew been as Voldemort had the elder wand.

Many death eaters abandoned the fight after realising that Dumbledore's side was much more powerful than theirs. In the end all fighting stopped except for Dumbledore and Voldemort.

The crowd watched as the too spells met and now it was a waiting game to see who would finish who. Voldemort seemed to be growing stronger as Dumbledore fell to his knees. Everyone in the order and all students were stood poised ready to back the headmaster at any point. That didn't happen.

Dumbledore somehow seemed much more powerful than Voldemort at that given moment. So much so, Voldemort dropped and his body crumbled to ashes. He was gone.

Dumbledore had won.

The war was over.

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