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Charlie tore his eyes from the snitch that he and Harry were after and saw Hattie eating some crisps still sat on Remus' lap, as he snuck some off of the young girl too. A swelling in Charlie's heart caused a smile to crack into his lips as he watched her eat without being told to and when she caught his eye he sent her a wink.

He was fought back to the game when Harry rushed past him and Charlie went from happy Charlie to Charlie who wants blood. He zoomed past his siblings and the others and was quickly on Harry's tails. "Get away from the snitch, Potter." He said through gritted teeth. The usual all happy, all smiling Charlie was gone and was suddenly unrecognisable as his eyes shone with determination and his teeth were gritted.

Harry glanced at the redhead and his eyes widened. He was pretty sure the broom would break from how hard Charlie was gripping it. However, it was a bad move. Just one small glance cost him the snitch as Charlie zoomed past him clasping the golden ball in his hand.

"CHARLIE HAS THE SNITCH!" Cheered Peter jumping up and down like he did when he was a child.

The rest of the people on Charlie's team (Fred, James, Ginny and Tonks, the others thought Ginny wouldn't be any good so allowed them the extra player-they were wrong), all cheered gloating to the others as they made their way to the ground.

All those who weren't playing, including Hattie who had no idea what was happening but went along with what everyone else was doing, clapped for the victorious team and Molly brought out sandwiches for everyone.

"Can I get a victory hug?" Charlie asked Hattie who had stood up to get a drink.

Hattie looked up at him confused, "Oh! You won? Well done. That's why we were clapping."

Charlie chuckled at the girl who hugged him nonetheless, holding her to his chest tightly. "Well done for eating, baby girl." He whispered.

"Baby girl?" Hattie questioned looking up at him, her brows knitted together causing her too look like a small angry bear.

Charlie shifted uncomfortably, blushing, "I-er, I didn't mean to call you that, sorry."

Hattie shook her head, "it's fine, just unexpected, that's all."

"So you don't mind?"

"Don't mind what?"

"If I call you that?" Charlie asked, his hand scratching the back of his ear. Hattie was confused, why was he asking? Was it bad? She didn't know.

"I don't mind." She shrugged, "Are you okay?"

Charlie nodded, "I'm fine. Really I am." He gives her a short smile before leaving her to sit down in his seat. Hattie got her drink, and returned to the garden where Bill sent her a smile and beckoned her over.

"Enjoy the game, Hat?" He asked her.

"I didn't really watch it." She told him truthfully. "Sorry."

Bill shook his head, "it's fine. What have you got there?" He pointed at her drink.


"Is it water? Hmmm? Or is it secretly vodka? Hmmm?" Bill raised his eyebrows jestingly, putting on a really bad Russian accent. "I must have to try it!"

He took the glass off of her and took a gulp. "It is vodka!" He announced. "I must confiscate this! You are under age!"

"But I'm thirsty!" Hattie cried her hands reaching out for it as Bill pulled it away from her.

"No, small child!" Bill smirked, sipping it.


"It's alright, I'll get you another one." Charlie said patting her shoulder as he walked past her. He smacked Bill on the upside of the head causing him to choke on the water.

Hattie giggled quietly as Tonks patted the elder Weasley on the back. "Thanks." She smiled towards Charlie when he returned. He handed her a new glass of water and directed her to sit on his lap as he sat on the chair.

"You two have been cuddling a lot lately? Are you have nightmares, Hattie?" Asked Harry from the floor, "you always get cuddly when you have had bad dreams."

Hattie turned to her god brother, "no, I've just been in a cuddly mood." She smiled before sipping her drink.

"But you haven't given me a cuddle!" George cried, pouting.

"Or me!" Fred added.

"That's because you two have each other and smell." Ginny Commented, "But I haven't had one either!"

"Can I have one, if you're handing out hugs?" Ron asked whilst eating a sandwich.

Hattie turned to Charlie asking if she could, even though there wasn't a reason as to why she needed his permission. "Go ahead, baby girl." He mumbled into her ear and let go of her. Hattie sat down on the grass beside Ron and leaned into him, her drink in one hand, like Ron had his half eaten sandwich in one hand and his other wrapped around Hattie who had her other arm wrapped around his waist.

From by the adults, Lily turned to James, "I told you she'd end up with Ron."

James rolled his eyes, "they're hugging! Please, she'll end up with that Irish lad!"

"Seamus?" Remus Asked his friend. "He doesn't like her at all, not even as a friend apparently."

"Exactly, they'll be married and have a kid by twenty. I can see it now! Dumbledore might as well sack Trelawney, Professor Potter is in the garden."

"We were a one in a million chance!" Lily retorted, "Merlin's beard, James, she and Ron are friends, they'll marry!"

"No he'll be with Hermione, I can see it now."

"They bicker!"

"Exactly, Lily, my love, that leads to perfect love. Why do you think Sirius and Hattie's mum's relationship failed? They didn't bicker at all!"

"Hey!" Cried Sirius, "also my daughter will not date the Irish one or Ron! She has better standards, no offence Molly, she'll end up with that Dean guy. I'm telling you!"

"No, I do say, Sirius. I can see your daughter with my Ron." Molly nodded, "look at them."

The group turned to see Hattie with her head on Ron's shoulder, and him holding her tightly, offering part of his sandwich which she turned away because it was half eaten.

"True love." Gushed Lily and Molly.

"Psshhh! In your dreams! Hatmus for the win!"

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