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November came around quickly and that meant so did the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Dallin rushed down the dormitory stairs to the common room clad in Slytherin quidditch uniform and he lifted Hattie into his arms as Robbie and Henry rolled their eyes.

"Gahh! I cannot wait to see Potter's face when we win!" Dallin exclaimed and his best friends cheered. Hattie giggled from his arms and he pecked her cheek.

Robbie pulled the girl from Dallin's arms, "No time for the sharing of cooties with got to catch some breakie and then head down to the pitch!"

Hattie smiled as Dallin took hold of her hand and pulled her away from his friend, glaring at him. "You're silly!" She told him and he rolled his eyes leading her out of the common room. "Good luck today, Dallin."

"Thank you, beautiful." He winked at her which initiated a blush to form of Hattie's cheeks.

The four quickly had some breakfast and mad their way to the pitch. Hattie watched as the game began and Ron, who had recently become the keeper for the Gryffindor team, looked positively nervous. Hattie caught his eye and smiled slyly giving him the thumbs up but he didn't look at her any longer. Since she and Dallin had become, whatever they were, the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione wouldn't look he rin the eye. Hattie didn't understand, Dallin is a lovely boy who cares for her like Charlie does.


She had forgotten all about the book. Dallin was taking care of her and she had been three weeks clean and eating every meal without throwing up. She still didn't eat a lot but was eating a bit. In a way, she had forgotten about Charlie.

Charlie had not forgotten her though. Yes, he had a manic few weeks where he couldn't write to her that much, but that was because many sanctuary workers were gettings ick and he had a lot of overtime to do. He had written whenever he could. And ever since the workers had become well again he had written to her at least twice a day and received no reply. He had asked in Ron and Ginny's letters whether she was okay and they said yes, even though they were not talking at all but that still didn't give Charlie any piece of mind.

Th game started and there on Hattie could sense something was not right. She watched as Dallin received a nod from Draco and the two boys began to chant soon followed by the rest of the team and other Slytherins.

"Weasley cannot save a thing! Weasley cannot save a thing! He cannot block a single ring! That's why Slytherins all sing! Weasley is our King!"

Hattie listened in shock and watched as Ron faltered from the horrible song. From across the stands the girl caught Ginny's eye and she shook her head at Hattie in disappointment even though it was not her fault and she was unaware of such thing.

"Weasley was born in a bin! He always lets the Quaffle in! Weasley will make sure we win! Weasley is our King!"

The song was repeated throughout the whole match and threw Ron off completely and Hattie could see how angered Fred and George were at the song. They had every right to be. Once the game had finished, Hattie, Robbie and Henry made their way down to the pitch where Dallin went to pull the girl into his arms.

She pushed him back.

"That's a horrible song!" She cried, her nostrils flared and a sad tone in her voice.

Dallin laughed, "It's a bit of banter, Hattie, besides, it distracted Weasley didn't it."

"We didn't win, so it was a fail anyway, but it was cruel!"

"Hat, just shush, you don't know what you're talking about. You're probably cold and it's affecting your thought processing." Hattie went to retort but was cut off. From beside Dallin, Draco started to jeer as the Gryffindor quidditch team headed towards the changing rooms.

"Saved Weasley's neck, haven't you? I've never seen a worse keeper!" Snorted Draco in Harry's face. "But then he was born in a bin, did you like my lyrics, Potter?"

Harry didn't answer he only turned away, glaring at Hattie as he did so. Probably because Dallin had his arm wrapped around her waist and held her tightly into him.

"We wanted to write another couple of verses, didn't we Draco!" Called Dallin, his thumb rubbing against Hattie's waist. "But we couldn't find anything that rhymes for fat and ugly - we wanted to sing about his mother, see-"

Hattie looked up at Dallin in shock. Her lips were parted as he disrespected Mrs Weasley but to spite her godbrother, even more, Dallin kissed Hattie. He pulled away smirking and cocked an eyebrow at the boy.

"Talk about sour grapes," said Angelina giving Dallin and Malfoy a disgusted look.

"We couldn't fit in useless loser either, " added Henry who had spoken for the first time in the past ten minutes, "for his father, you know-"

Fred and George froze one they realised what Henry had just said. Angelina took a hold on Fred's forearm telling him to 'leave it' but the pair were ready to snap.

"But you like the Weasley's don't you, Potter? You spend a lot of the holidays in their presence, it's awful what Hattie has to endure living with you and your mudblood mother, that beast, the two blood traitors and half-scum Pettigrew, let alone fraternising with these vermin!" Robbie continued a smirk toying with his lips.

Hattie wanted to scream out, to tell them to stop but she found herself stuck as if everything was moving around her and she couldn't move.

That was it. Fred and George roughly pushed the team off of them and they leapt on Malfoy, Robbie and Henry. Harry took on Dallin who had pushed Hattie out of the way. She fell to the ground from the impact landing on her ankle awkwardly.

"FRED! HARRY! GEORGE! NO!" Angelina, Katie and Alicia cried out as the boys pummeled their fists into the Slytherins, not noticing Ginny storm over to Hattie, who was pushing herself up off of the grass and putting little pressure on her left ankle.

She shook her head at her, "This is what we were afraid of. Have a nice life in the snake pit." Ginny spat at her, "Because once everyone finds out about this, you're not going to be welcome at home, Harriet."

Hattie looked down ashamed; she should have said something. "I'm so stupid." She murmured incoherently to herself.

Tears brimmed her eyes and she couldn't watch any more of it. She limped away wiping her eyes and heading towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Myrtle didn't bother Hattie, surprisingly, and just watched as the girl slipped into a cubicle and locked the door.

Hattie sunk down to the floor and dug into her coat pocket finding her old friend who had been abandoned for weeks. "Hello." She whispered as the metal blade shined in the light. "Long time no see."

Slash after slash she painted her skin with blood, the blade her paintbrush and her arms the canvas. As the tears trickled down her skin so did her blood and mixed every so often as a tear dripped onto her arm. Once her arms were ripped to pieces, Hattie didn't stop there. She tugged down her trousers letting them sit by her knees and she did the same to her thighs.

Exhaling in relief she leaned back and let her arms fall limp beside her. Her breath was shaky but she felt blissful. It's what she deserves, she kept thinking over and over again.

With a ten-minute interval, Hattie repeated her painting again, then had another ten-minute interval. Soon blood ran onto the floor, fortunately, there was a drain right outside of the cubicle and it ran into there whilst consciousness ran away from Hattie.

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