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It had been weeks, Hattie was still alive but the same couldn't be said for her arms

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It had been weeks, Hattie was still alive but the same couldn't be said for her arms. They were ripped, red and raw, so were her thighs.

Dallin didn't stop her. He couldn't. He was not allowed to see her at all despite all that he tried. The Malfoy Family took her from Dallin when he was leading her to his mothers shop had banned them from seeing each other. A way of torturing Hattie even more. She wanted to see him. She begged to see him every time she was brought a meal.

Each time she was denied.

Dallin was going crazy. He didn't like her hurting herself. He didn't want her dead. By 'helping her be free' he's meant ridding her of the hospital and her family watching her every move. He wasn't meaning he would help her kill herself because even he knew that she was better off living than being in a wooden box.

One evening Hattie was tucked into the corner of the room, he arms were covered in dry blood as her blade rested beside her. She hadn't eaten any of the meals she was given but she had drunk the glasses of water. The door opened revealing a tall slender woman with black hair and one blonde streak in it. She knew this woman. It was her father's cousin - Narcissa Malfoy.

Despite her name, Narcissa did not partake in most business to do with her husband. She was not a death eater as she did not have the mark. She refused to. Her top priory was to keep her son, Draco, safe and she knew that having the dark mark would jeopardise that, thus she didn't have it. Now, her other priority was Hattie. After all, she is family.

She entered the room, her heels clipping against the wooden floor as she approached her cousin. Crouching down in front of the girl that had tears rubbing down her cheeks, she placed her hands gently on Hattie's knees.

"Darling," she said quietly, "you are wanted upstairs, but first, why do you do this to yourself?"

"Because I don't want to live." Hattie mumbled.

Narcissa blinked away her tears. This was not a sight any mother would be able to bare, even when the child was not her own. Despite having a good upbringing, Hattie was broken and had experience a tough life, one of torture and pain, which Narcissa could not imagine. Now she was here with them. She could only hope that Hattie would be okay, and would help her in anyway possible.

She stood up, guiding Hattie to her feet and leading her out of the dark room which Hattie had been living in. Hattie was no longer in Dallin's clothing but a black dress that covered her arms in lace and reached halfway down her thighs, covering the area which she had inflicted scars upon herself.

Leading her out, Narcissa placed a gently hand on Hattie's back as they walked through the long, dark, echoing halls passing many rooms which Hattie had not yet been in. It wasn't long before they were entering what could only be described as a a great hall.

Lining the room was death eaters including the rest of the Malfoy's, the Lestrange's and many others, in the centre stood Bellatrix, another relative of Hattie.

Narcissa didn't like the sound of Bellatrix wanting to see Hattie but she had no choice. She left Hattie stood still and made her way to her husband who watched with a smirk on his lips.

The wild-haired woman stepped forward slyly, her wands dancing between her finger tips. "Well, well, well, when darling Draco told me that my dear-old cousin, ickle Siri's daughter was in their company I nearly didn't believe her. You see, I'd have thought your daddy would have had a tighter reign in his little princess, but then again, he was never one for rules and clearly would never be fit to be a parent." She cackled, "wow, you really took the Black family genes. A dead spit of my mother, your great grandmother."

Hattie shied away from Bellatrix, twiddling her thumbs looking down at the boots on her feet. She felt Bellatrix's cold fingers holding onto her chin and raising her head up to look at her. "So why are you here, Harriet? Why aren't you with your daddy?"

"He's not my daddy." She said once again at a different period in time.

A crooked smile grew on Bellatrix's lips, "So I'm not Auntie Bella?"

"You're my auntie?"

"Cousin technically but I don't oppose to being called Auntie Bella, after all, you and I will be spending a lot of time together. Little Drakey tells me about your- uh - situation, and I am willing to help you. So is everyone here and more specifically, the Dark Lord will. We have the power to vanquish your troubles, to set you free if you do some little things here and there for us."

The idea of freedom really enticed Hattie. She was at the stage where anything that could help her be free would seem inviting.

"Is this the Dark Lord Dallin told me about ages ago? The one wizard better than Dumbledore?"

Bellatrix smiled, an eruption of laughter from the other death eaters echoed around the hall and in the corner of the room Hattie caught Draco's eyes who nodded gently stood beside his mother and father.

"Why yes, Harriet, yes it is."

"Then okay. I'll do anything," Said the girl, "and please call me Hattie, Harriet reminds me of Sirius shouting at me."

"He shouts at you?"

"Only when he's annoyed because I lied about eating and getting better," the girl mumbled.

Bellatrix wipes the tear that slipped from Hattie's eyes, "nobody here will shout about you not eating or getting better, we are better than Sirius Black." She told Hattie.

"What do I need to do then?"

"Hold out your arm..."

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