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After a continuous amount of begging from Hattie to Madam Pomfrey, the healer allowed Seamus into the hospital wing. The boy was rather cool fused when he was told to see Hattie, that and he was so bloody scared that she wasn't okay but when he laid eyes on the girl and saw that she was awake, a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"Yi' bloody scared me, Hattie," he said to her sitting on the armchair next to the bed, "gave us all a fright." Seamus had a smile on his face. Like always he was trying to lighten the mood.

Hattie's lips curled up at the sides ever so faintly that Seamus barely saw it. "Thank you." Said Hattie quietly.

"Don't worry about it, I didn't want to see yi' dead. Nobody does, Hattie. Now, I don't know the reason why yi' feel the way yi' do but I do know that dying isn't the answer. Not at all."

Hattie looked down at her lap, her thumbs wrestling one another. Seamus followed her gaze with his eyes and saw the bandages on her arms. Instantly he knew what they were hiding and it made his heart sink further.

All Seamus ever saw was the small, pretty Slytherin girl with wild brunette curls and piercing grey eyes. The girl who was too naive and kind to be in the house she was sorted into.  He never ever would have thought that behind those grey eyes, that he could quite easily stare at for hours,  would there ever be such pain hidden from everyone around.

Yes, he hardly ever spoke to the girl. Yes, you probably couldn't class them as friends but that didn't mean Seamus didn't ever want to. He always wanted to speak to her, to become her friend ever since she was first introduced to him there was something about her that he liked so much but when she was sorted into Slytherin it was made too difficult for him. He didn't want her to suffer from her housemates because of him, she already gets stick from them because of her father. He could never bring himself to cause that.

"Why'd you do it? Why did you catch me?" Hattie asked him, not tearing her eyes away from her hands.

Seamus inhaled, "because I care about you. Because many people care about you, Hattie. You dying would have torn people apart."

Hattie pulled her legs to her chest, "but it hurts. Everything hurts so much that I just want to end it all. I'm not okay, Seamus, I'm really not."

"I know," he replied leaning over and taking one of her small, pale hands in his, tracing circles with his thumb on the back of hers. "But, Hattie, yi' can get through this. I know yi' can, we all do. It's just a small bump in the long road of your life. It might hurt, but there are ways that this pain can stop and not by dying. If you were to have died, yi' might have distinguished your pain but yi' would have caused a hell of a lot more. Would yi' have wanted that? Yi' dad in pain? Harry? Yi' ain't and uncles? The Weasleys?"

"My dad doesn't deserve that. He's too kind. So is Charlie. They tried helping."

"But I though Professor Lupin and Charlie helped yi' that's what Mr Longbottom said to Neville." Seamus Asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Remus is my dad. Not by blood but he's a much better one that my blood father." Hattie told him.

Seamus didn't question her. He took it as a part of her situation. Instead he leaned even further forward and pulled the girl into a hug. "Yi' won't do anything like this again, will yi'?" He asked her.

Hattie gently placed her arms around Seamus' waist and shook her head. "I'm getting help. I'll be at home and not doing my O.W.Ls but I'll be getting help."

"That's good then." Seamus smiled and pulled away from the girl carefully. "Because I don't want yi' to be this way."


Seamus stood up and in his eyes were some tears welling up, "let's just say, yi' deserved way better than Dallin Winter." He dipped down and pressed a short tender kiss to her cheek, his ears flaming pink and he hurried out of the hospital wing.

Hattie sat in shock for a moment or two as Lily stepped into the wing a gentle, caring smile on her face. "Sweetheart, how are you?" Asked her aunt.

"I'm not okay but I will get better," replies Hattie still rather in shock from Seamus' exit.

Lily nodded her head and squeezed onto the edge of the bed beside Hattie. "I'm glad to hear that. I'm sorry, darling, for not realising."

Hattie shook her head, "I don't care anymore, auntie Lily, the past is the past."

"Then why are you not being like that with Sirius?"

Hattie sighed, "because he is supposed to be my dad. Not Harry's. Harry has you and Uncle Prongs! Dad loves him more than me! He doesn't care about me!"

Lily shook her head, "he loves you to pieces! He is literally breaking outside, Hattie! Sweetheart, you're dad can be an absolute nightmare and doesn't realise half of what he is doing. Now that doesn't mean I am mad at you,  or taking his side because I'm not taking sides. But, darling, give him a chance."

Hattie sighed, "maybe."

Lily didn't take it any further. Instead, she wrapped her arms around the girl like she used to when Hattie was younger. "What did you want to talk to Seamus about?"

"I wanted to thank him which I did and we spoke a little." Hattie told her, looking away to suppress the burning feeling on her cheeks.

"Oh really? So why did he come out looking like a tomato just like you now, huh?" Lily teased poking Hattie's cheek.

"He kissed my cheek." Hattie told her, "like Harry used to do all the time."

"No, darling, I don't think it was," chuckled Lily at Hattie's naivety. "I think he likes you."

"Well he said he cared about me. Why would he say that if he didn't like me?"

"No, Hattie, I meant, he likes you like a boyfriend would like someone."

Hattie's eyes widened, "but I have a boyfriend!"

Lily sighed, "but do you like him a lot?"

"Who? Seamus?" Lily nodded. "I don't know, maybe, I have a boyfriend!"

Lily kissed Hattie's head, "darling, when you think of Dallin, how do you feel about him? Right now, how do you feel about him?"

"That he doesn't let me do things. That he tells me what to do. Pansy says he wants me for dirty things. He's mean to Harry and the Weasleys. He says bad things about Sirius. He says he knows everything that I do. He's creepy."

"Then why is he your boyfriend?"

Hattie shrugged, "I always thought he was nice. He gave me this necklace-" she reached up to her chest to show Lily the necklace but it wasn't there. "-I left it on my bedside table."

Lily thought for a moment. She remembered seeing the blue necklace around Hattie's neck at Christmas. "Darling, when you wear the necklace, how do you feel about Dallin?"

"I love him."

Hiya! Guys sorry for the lack of updates I am currently on camp and have been able to use my phone momentarily (on a day out) to post this ❤️🧡

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