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Once at Hogsmeade station, Dallin took hold of Hattie's hand and passed her book that was left neglected for the duration of the train ride. He had let Hattie rest for a while, her head on his lap as she fell asleep only for him to wake her up about an hour later so that she could change into her robes. For the whole train ride, neither one of them left each other's side except for when they changed into their robes that is, and generally they stayed connected physically, some way or another.

Dallin led the girl off of the train and up to the carriages, not caring about any curious looks he got, especially from Harry, Ron and Hermione who were in the carriage in front of theirs. It was raining and under the shelter of the carriage top, the students shivered in their damp robes. Dallin used a heat warming spell and hovered his wand over Hattie's body to dry her robes before doing the same to his own. She thanked him quietly, only to be pulled into his side again, his hand resting on her waist.

"No pretty girl deserves to be cold." He muttered into her ear, his breath tickling her neck.

"Please stop calling me that." Hattie replied, looking down at her lap.

Furrowing his eyebrows, "I won't stop until you believe that it's true and don't just say right now that you do. I know you don't." He wore a smug face as he watched the look of defeat on Hattie's face. "Don't be down, Hattie, it's okay."

The carriage ride was quite short and Dallin hoisted Hattie onto his back, breaking into a run so that they didn't get as wet as everyone else who was walking. Once in the Great Hall he set her down and fired them both off again, taking her hand once more and leading her to their house table. Hattie could feel eyes on her from the Gryffindor table as she kept hold of Dallin's hand but she chose to ignore them.

Dallin sat down beside his friends, still holding onto Hattie. "Guys, this is Hattie." He said, making the girl look up.

"Hattie this is Robbie, " He pointed to a brunette boy with deep blue eyes, "and this is Henry." He lastly pointed to a boy with blonde hair with one blue and one brown eye.

The two boys greeted her with smiles, which she nodded in return. The three boys broke off into conversation as the sorting ceremony went on, meanwhile Hattie read more of her book and for some reason she could hear every word being spoken by Charlie.

She kept on reading, even through the feast, not taking any notice of what was going on around her, not realising that it was time to eat. She may have promised Charlie, but like she said she'd "try", doesn't mean she has too, it's not her thought she didn't notice.

At the end of the feast, Dallin snatched her book off of her, slipping the bookmark into the pages as he did so, snapping the girl from her daydream. "Time to go to the common room." He told her.

Hattie went to reach for her book but he held it up higher. "You really shouldn't read this muggle stuff, Hattie, it's not as good as wizarding stories. They're real. Muggle stories aren't."

"But I like it." Hattie poured standing up.

"I know you do, Hattie, I was just saying." He handed her book back, took her hand yet again and lead her out of the great hall.

"Why do you keep holding my hand? Do all friends hold each other's hand? Do you hold Henry or Robbie's?" Hattie asked.

"No." Hattie stopped walking making Dallin her back from the sudden stop. "What?"

"Then why do you hold mine?" She asked him, her head tilting to the side like a confused dog.

He sighed, "because you're a very special girl, Hattie."

"But you met me yesterday?"

"That doesn't make you special to me? Hattie, time is just a number. You don't understand friendships and things, do you?"

She shook her head, "no, why?"

"Just trust me when I say, friends do this." He told her, "you trust me, right?"

"I've not known you long..."

Dallin grumbled, "That means you can't trust me? You can trust your life with me, Hattie. Understand that. You're safe with me."

"Safe? I'm in danger? I don't understand, Dallin."

The boy held the girl in his arms, "you aren't in danger. I was just saying how you can trust me. Do you trust me?"

"Yes." She told him, "I do."

"Then will you tell me everything about you?"

"Everything?" Dallin nodded and she shook her head, her curls bouncing around. "I don't think I can."

"Why not, Hattie? You trust me." He hisses, his teeth gritted.

"I do but-"

"But what, Hattie? If you don't tell me that means you don't trust me. What are you hiding?" He took her wrist to try and take her to the Slytherin common room and squeezed it making her wince in pain. Glancing down he pulled up her sleeves. Faced with the scars he stared at her. "I promise you I'll keep you safe. I will stop this from happening." He pressed kisses to each scar.

"Dallin...?" She asked quietly. His eyes met hers. "Do you still think I'm beautiful?"

"Beauty sinks deeper than the surface...."


What do y'all imagine Dallin to look like? I'm very curious.

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