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Day by day, everything was getting worse at school. Professor Umbridge was awful. She was barbaric. She was plain annoying and a sight for sore eyes.

To top it off, Delores Umbridge was now high inquisitor of Hogwarts. HIGH INQUISITOR! A nightmare in the making that was, no, sorry, Umbridge being born was a nightmare in the making. Suddenly Hogwarts is now under ministry control, well, much more than it usually is and Umbridge is presenting her herself as all high and mighty as if she wants everyone to worship her stubby toes! Needless to say, this was having a negative effect on Hattie.

Everything was being monitored, letters, packages, the lot and Charlie had stopped replying all together in their two-way diaries. Hattie found herself sinking further and further into a deep hole of depression and even cutting wasn't helping.

Dallin was preoccupied with Quidditch to notice Hattie getting worse and not eating either. What seemed like a friendship that Hatte wouldn't break from, even after only a month, seemed to be falling apart as well. yet, she couldn't see that it was partly her fault. She had been distancing more and her brain was clogged with so much pink she felt as if she was going to throw up unintentionally as well on purpose for... you know.

Oh and Hattie is livid! BLOOMING LIVID!

Of course, it had to be her that overheard her so-called Godbrother talking about her father. Her father that was serenading him with letters and little messages, not caring that they are monitored. Yet, has his own blood-related daughter heard a word from her father? No. No, she has no. Has Harry also received letters from his mother and father and other two uncles? Yes! Has Hattie? No! Not a single word from home!

The only person she has heard from in the last month is Charlie and you know how well that has been going. It is safe to say Hattie has been ignoring Harry for the past few weeks since that detention that was followed by many after that.

Harry didn't notice, obviously. No one did.

Hattie had an ability much better than an invisibility cloak, she could naturally stray from the eye of others. until today. October 5th.

It was a Hogsmeade weekend and Hattie wrapped up in her thick scarf and gloves before venturing down to the frozen village. Hermione had approached her part way through the day asking her to join her and others in the Hogs Head at One.

Hattie shook her head at Hermione who looked at her confused. "Why not?" Asked Hermione.

Shrugging her shoulders, Hattie walked away leaving Hermione standing in the middle of the village, dumbfounded.

Hattie spotted Dallin who was with Draco Malfoy and Crabbe and Goyle which she decided to deter from, but Dallin called her over. Sighing the girl joined his side and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders pulling her into his embrace.

"Ah, cousin, a joy to see you." Greeted Draco smugly, "I've seen you avoiding Potter, have you realised he's an attention seeking blood-traitor?"

Hattie didn't say anything in reply she just looked down at her shoes. "She probably realised that years ago." Laughed Dallin, which Draco joined in with him. Crabbe and Goyle were scoffing their faces with jelly beans. Hattie furrowed her eyebrows, Dallin was being mean? At the same time, she couldn't care, she didn't like Harry at that moment.

"I'm glad you followed after the betters in our family, Harriet, your uncle, grandmother, grandfather and cousins, aunts and uncles and not after your father. You will do much better in life as a respected, pure-blood Slytherin from a wealthy, substantial background." Draco stated, "Mother and Father would like to see if you'd join us sometime for dinner with the rest of the family and some friends, just you, of course."

Hattie shrugged, still looking at her shoes. "What did mudblood Granger want anyway?" Asked Blaise Zambini as he joined the group, shoving past the two larger boys behind Draco.

Hattie shrugged again and Dallin's arms tightened around her, "Are you all right, Hattie?" He asked her.

"I'm fine." She said, kicking some snow. "It's just cold."

"Dallin, take my cousin somewhere warm, we can talk later. C'mon, Crabbe, Goyle, Zambini, we have some business to attend to." Draco clicked his fingers and strutted away and Hattie swore she saw some boy staring at his bum as Draco led his friends away.

Dallin led the girl into the Three Broomsticks and into a booth. He wrapped he had his arm around her waist and his other hand on her thigh.

"What can I get you both?" Asked a member of the bar staff.

"Two butterbeers, please, on me." He said before Hattie could say anything.

The bartender nodded and sauntered away.

"I could have got mine." Said Hattie, her habit of mumbling still being there.

Dallin smiled at her, "Nonsense, I'm a gentleman and a gentleman treats a lady, especially a special one in his life." Hattie flushed pink and fiddled with the end of her scarf. "I mean it, Hattie, you are very special to me." Hattie didn't even look up before he cupped her cheek, tracing his thumb down her hollow cheek. His eyes flickered to her lips and back to her grey eyes. Hattie sat frozen, is this going to be a kiss?

No, a kiss was something someone handed to you that you get in your hand like Wendy gave Peter. A thimble is the touching of lips!

hattie was in such deep, panicking thought that the only thing that brought her back was the sensation of Dallin's cold lips on hers. They were cold from the chilled day but at the same time, the feeling sent shivers down Hattie's spine. She kind of liked it.

Dallin pulled away and let go of her, bringing his hand to the back of his head and rubbing his hair. "Was that a kiss or a thimble?" She asked him, shyly.

"A kiss," Dallin replied, rather confused but chose not to question the innocent girl. "Did you like it?"

Hattie nodded, "It was cold but nice."

"Sorry about that, I can't control the temperature." He chuckled naturally, not awkwardly like most people would have been. Hattie smiled smally, that was all she could manage, before taking a sip of her butterbeer which had magically appeared in front of her.

"Thanks." She said motioning towards her mug.

"Don't mention it, beautiful." Dallin gave her another quick kiss, collecting the foam which had clogged on her chapped lips. Hattie flushed pink once more as Dallin smirked, winking at her.

She didn't notice Fred and George sat across from them in the pub, glaring at the boy. Hattie is a little sister to them as well and they thought Dallin was bad news.

Are they right?

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