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It had been a few weeks since Hattie had returned to Hogwarts and already her contact with Charlie had become less and less. Maybe that was because he was busy? Working with dragons is a strenuous job and does take up a lot of time, or maybe it's because Hattie was always with Dallin?

It turned out that Robbie and Henry were perfectly happy being alone and leaving Dallin to be with Hattie despite the girl's protests for him to hang out with his friends. He didn't want her to be alone and made sure she was 'okay' in his eyes. He would check every morning and every night before she went to bed to see that she hadn't cut anymore but he didn't know that it wasn't just her arms. The top of her thighs was littered with the lines of red and brown from scabs and open cuts. 

Lessons had been just as much torture to her as living was. With it being the year she had to take her O.W.L.s and the horrific new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Delores Umbridge giving them nothing but hell. She especially despised Harry and Hattie for a reason that neither knew. Hattie always did her work and never spoke unless spoken to. Not because she cares about her learning - because she doesn't - but because she doesn't want to have to socialise. 

Dallin sat beside her in most lessons and, believe me when I tell you this, Hattie felt trapped. Lately, the bubble she tries so desperately to burst out of is growing smaller and smaller, harder to break as well. It is as if Dallin is pushing himself into that bubble, and whilst she appreciates that he is just being nice and a friend, she does want her space. She wants to be able to rite to Charlie but with him always there, it is hard to. 

"Miss Black," Said a shrill voice from the front of the classroom, Remus taught in two years prior, "Who was the darkest wizard of the 1920s and 30s?" The pink heels worn by Professor Umbridge clipped against the wooden floor as she approached Hattie, her arms folded in front of her and her lips pursed. 

Hattie looked up at the short teacher, her grey eyes big and doe-like. "I don't know, Professor," She confessed quietly.

Umbridge blinked a few times and tilted her head, "You don't know?" Hattie nodded. "Then how do you explain your homework which, was all about Gellert Grindelwald, and explains how he was the darkest wizard of those two decades?" 

"In all honesty, I don't take notice of what I write," Hattie told her, her voice still quiet. 

Tutting Umbridge turned back to the front and started to strut away from Hattie's desk, "Detention, Miss Black, my office at eight o'clock sharp."

From a few seats across, Harry stared at the 'professor' in anger but before he could say anything, Hattie caught his eye and shook her head. Sighing, he clenched his jaw and leaned back in his seat. 

"Now, who can tell me more about Grindelwald?"

Hermione Granger's hand shot up quickly, as it always did, "Forgive me Professor, but why are you teaching History of Magic in a Defence class? It still doesn't make any sense."

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