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Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Hattie sat up and saw the blood on the sheets and began to cry. She had woken up with a start having felt something warm and wet on her and looked down to find blood.

From the sofa downstairs, Gilbert was awake having a glass of water. He was staying over for the night in the sofa and heard crying from upstairs. Hastily he had put down his glass of water onto the coffee table and rushed up the stairs. He knew it wasn't Charlie crying and headed straight for the spare bedroom.

Knocking, he pushed the door open to see blood and Hattie crying. Shit, he thought and rushed to her aid.

"What's happened, darling?" He asked her.

Hattie shrugged her shoulders, "I...I don't..I don't know," she stuttered, "I woke up to find blood and my tummy hurts. I didn't cut, I promise!"

"Your tummy hurts?" He asked her and she nodded. "Right okay, come 'ere." He lifted her out of the bed. There was a little bit of blood on the sheets and when he quickly glanced their was a patch of blood on her pyjama bottoms.

Shuffling in her bag, he pulled out another set of pyjamas, some fresh underwear and tucked them under his arms before leading her into the bathroom.

"It's going to be okay, I have a little sister, she's older than you by a few years but I remember when she had her first." He knew this hadn't happened before to Hattie. The girl was still crying. "Look, I'm going to help get you undressed and into the bath, you'll have a quick wash and get changed, all right? Then I'll make you a hot chocolate."

Nodding, Hattie let Gilbert get her out of her pyjamas and underwear and into the bath which had no water in it. Gilbert carefully unwrapped the bandages on her arms and placed the used bandages into the bin. He used the shower head and ran some warm water over her, washing her hair and her back. He handed her the sponge so that she could do her other areas.

Once that was done he lifted her out of the bath and helped her dry, leaving her private and chest area to her to do before handing her the fresh clothes. He tucked some tissue into the bottom of her underwear for the time being until they had some sanitary towels for her to use.

Picking Hattie up, Gilbert took her downstairs and set her on the sofa and she snuggled up to the blanket he had been using to sleep under. He put the kettle on and prepped the hot chocolate whilst it boiled. Once it was done he handed the mug to Hattie for her to sip and searched the kitchen for a hot water bottle.

He used the rest of the hot water and poured it carefully into the bottle before handing it to Hattie. "My mum and sister swear by it, set it on your tummy and it should help soothe it." Hattie placed it where she was told to and Gilbert put her dirty clothes and the bed sheet he had peeled off before taking her to the bathroom, into the wash and returned to sit by Hattie.

"are you feeling a little bit better?"

Hattie nodded, "thank you but what is happening?"

Gilbert took his time to explain all about periods to Hattie who looked utterly disgusted. "You'll be okay." He told her, "I'll be back." He glanced at his watch, throwing on a t-shirt and headed out the house.

Hattie watched the man leave the house in confusion and about ten minutes later he returned. "I went to that muggle twenty-four hour shop in town." He said as he returned.

Hattie looked at him confused. "Come 'ere," he said. She stood up and waddled to him in the kitchen still hugging the hot water bottle. "Can you take the tissue from your underwear and put one of these in there instead?"

Hattie did what she was told, placing the hot water bottle onto the side and did so. "Like this?" Gilbert nodded and she pulled her knickers and pyjama bottoms back up and put the tissue into the bin. "So this isn't a bad thing?" She asked him. "Will I have to always where these thingys in my knickies?"

"It's not a bad thing, it means that in the future you can have a baby or many babies. And no, only for about a week a month you'll have to have a pad in your knickers, darling, it's roughly every twenty-eight days."

"Do boys have the same thing?"

"No, Hattie," chuckled Gilbert, hugging her, "only ladies."

"Right, okie dokie. Are you going to tell Charlie?"

"Yes, unless you want too?" Hattie shook her head. "Then I'll do it when he wakes up. Do you want to go back to bed now that you've finished your hot chocolate?"

"Can I still take the hot water bottle?"

Gilbert nodded, "come on, darling." He held out his hand which Hattie took gently and follows him upstairs. He went to head into the spare bedroom but she stopped.

"Can I go in with Charlie?" She asked him quietly.

"Does he normally let you in with him?" Hattie nodded, "okay then." Gilbert took her into Charlie's room and let her cuddle up beside Charlie. It was like a switch, Hattie fell straight to sleep whereas Charlie woke straight up.

"What's going on?" Charlie asked Gilbert who was tucking Hattie in.

"I heard her crying, she's started her period. I sorted her out and everything but her stomach really hurts. She wanted to come in with you and I didn't want to say no to her."

Charlie looked down at Hattie whose head was in his chest and his rubbed her back. "Did you replace her bandages?"

Gilbert sighed, "I forgot to, sorry."

"It's fine. I'm sure I can do it when she wakes up. Thanks for helping her."

Gilbert smiled, "she's a good kid."

"She is."

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