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After a few more days, Hattie had to say goodbye to Seamus as Remus came to collect her and take her home. The boy had loved the past few days spending his early mornings with Hattie and watching as she and Charlie conversed through the diary.

He and her hadn't really spoken about the kisses they had shared. They had shared plenty more little ones which made both their cheeks heat up but nothing was discussed about what they were. Every morning he would greet her with one and every evening he would leave her with one and Madam Pomfrey had seen Hattie improve a lot with Seamus. She was eating more and more each day and she was ignoring the itch of her arms.

However, once Seamus left she saw how Hattie's eyes would light up more when she and Charlie spoke for longer through the diary. The girl would giggle softly and scribble back her reply.

Madam Pomfrey wasn't sure who it was helping her the most, it could have been Charlie or Seamus, or perhaps a bit of them both. But, whatever they were doing, was working and that's what she liked to see.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the twins spent lots of time with Hattie as well. The twins always showed her some gag toys they had made or told her fantastic stories about what pranks they had pulled on Lee and other students. Hardy told her about quidditch matches and Ron played chess with her. Ginny would talk to her about lessons and what Harry's hair looked like from the back, much to Hattie's amusement. Hermione would read with Hattie and discuss matters such as S.P.E.W her campaign for house-elf rights.

She had received plenty of letters from her father which had remained unopened. She didn't want to read what he had to say. Seamus had offered to read them for her but she declined. She didn't want him to have to deal with her father. Thus they started to collect dust.

Remus entered the hospital wing with a smile on his face upon seeing Hattie up and dressed in some comfy clothes. The sleeves of her cardigan had bulked out from the bandages and so had her thighs but he didn't care about it. As long as she was comfortable and getting better, bandages biking out clothing was the least of his worries.

Upon seeing Remus, Hattie outstretched her arms and fell into his embrace. "How are you feeling, darling?" Remus asked her, kissing her head.

"I don't want to go there," she said, her lips forming a frown. "He's there."

Remus sighed, "darling, you have too. If you are going to get better you must come home."

"I'm getting better here." She told him. "I don't need him."

"You don't have to talk to Sirius if you don't want to. Not at all."

Madam Pomfrey approaches the pair with a container of potions and medication. Remus tucked it into his scholar he had over his arms, thanking the matron and picking up Hattie's bags that Professor McGonagall had gotten a house-elf to get for her.

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