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It was twilight and Hattie couldn't sleep for the life of her. She don't feel sad tonight. She didn't feel particularly happy. She felt empty. The day had worn her out but sleep wasn't coming easy to her which was unusual as she normally could sleep for England.

Climbing out of the bed she crept out of the room and down the hall and into the room that Charlie, Bill and Tonks had three beds in. Charlie's was closest to the window and furthest from the door. She tiptoed across the room, pausing when Bill let out an even louder snore and rolled over, her body was frozen until she was sure he was still asleep.

Lifting the duvet off of part of the bed, Hattie slipped in beside Charlie who stirred, his eyes fluttering open tiredly. The moonlight that seeped through a gap of the curtain allowed the man to make out Hattie's face and he pulled her into his chest. "What's wrong, baby girl?" He asked her softly, his hands running gently up and down her arms. 

"I can't sleep, that's all." She told him, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck.

"Are you having a bad day? Well, night?" He asked her.

She shook her head, she didn't know what she was feeling. Hattie knew she was slowly making progress but it was painful doing so. Charlie had taken all sharp things he knew of from her and she hadn't been able to retrieve her razor from her coat pocket, the man being hot in her tails for most of the day, or someone else being with her.

"I just can't sleep." She yawned.

Charlie nodded pressing down into his bed, keeping Hattie close. He ran his hand in circles on her back in an attempt to soothe her. He started humming quietly a small nursery rhyme his mother had sung to him and Bill when they were younger and Percy was just a baby. Molly had sung it to all of her children when they couldn't sleep, and it worked wonders. It was like a spell that sent them straight to sleep. You simply repeat the short lullaby and voila, sleeping children. It seemed to have worked with Hattie too.

The girls' breathing deepened, and her body fell heavier as her muscles relaxed and she finally shut down.

"You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine

You make me happy
when skies are gray

You'll never know dear
how much I love you

Please don't take
my sunshine away..."Charlie finished after repeating such short lullaby for the fifth time, his circles slowing on her back once she was fully asleep.

Carefully he pulled up her sleeves and looked at her scars. Thankfully, he saw no signs of fresh cuts, the last being from days prior. He gently kissed them all, on both arms, and traced his thumb over each of them.

He was so thankful she had been having good days and progressing on her road to recovery. He knew it would be be long before she would be fully fine and such things, but just her small progression was brilliant.

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