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Charlie fought back his tears as he held the girl he saw as a sister in his arms. He couldn't bare to lose her. He didn't want to think of a day where she'd go to deep or let death claim her in a different way. She was so young, so vulnerable, so damaged. Holding her reassured him that she was still there, for now.

His mind was calling for him to ask her what started her off thinking like this. What made her want to die. To chose an end over a future. What did it take to make a fifteen year old girl want to cut her life away, literally.

When did it start?

How long had this been going on?

Charlie's mouth opened for him to ask but he only looked like a fish out of water. He couldn't form words, he couldn't find his voice. It was like someone had stolen it from him.

From his head being pressed against her back, Hattie could feel the moment of Charlie's mouth. She knew he wanted to ask her more but she didn't want to answer anymore.

"Don't." She muttered. "Don't bother. I'm not going to answer." Her eyes screwed shut as a tear slipped down her cheek plopping onto the pillow beneath her head.

It took all of his strength not to let his tears fall, Charlie couldn't cry. It would make matters worse. "Dinner's downstairs for you." He told her, trying to get her to talk more.

"I don't want it."

"I know you don't." Said Charlie, sitting up and brushing hair that had fell onto her face. He watched as tears ran down her cheeks but she didn't show any emotion on her face. It was like rain running down a face on a statue, the expression not changing but the tears still being there. "How about I try and bring it up here and you pick at it, eat at least a little bit of it and whatever you don't eat I'll get rid of it? At least then you'll be getting a little bit in you. And you won't be sick, no matter how much you want too. If I'm going to help you, we need to start somewhere."

"I don't want help, Charlie."

"You don't want help, but your need it. And until you don't need it, I will help you."

"But Hogwarts And Romania?" She asked him out of curiosity.

Charlie took a breath running his thumb over her cheek, taking away the tears, "We'll make it work. As long as you promise to try?"

"You know I can't-"

"Yes you can! You are the only one doing this to yourselves Harriet! You say 'can't' like it's impossible. But I'm sorry, sweetheart but the bloody words 'I'm possible' make up the word impossible. You can." Charlie told her and she sighed; there was no way she could argue.

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Hattie ate next to nothing, but it was still better than actually eating nothing. Charlie ate a little bit of her food, slightly regretting not finishing his dinner, before ridding the rest with a click of his wand. He took the plate back downstairs and returned to Hattie who still sat in her bed.

"Why don't you come downstairs? After all, it is still technically your birthday." Charlie asked her as she fumbled with the knitted blanket that Molly had made for her when she was younger and always kept.

"I can't, I'm grounded, remember?"

"No you aren't." Returned a voice from the doorway. Hattie peered up to see her father. She didn't look at him long before returning her gaze to her blanket.

Charlie left Sirius to talk with Hattie and the man shut the door behind the redhead. Sirius sat beside his daughter who still wouldn't look at him. "I'm sorry, Hattie, I really am. I shouldn't have shouted at you, I was just-"

"Worried?" Finished Hattie, "I've already had the spill from Harry. Don't bother."

Sirius sighed, a hand running across his beard. "I was. So truly worried. You've been distant this holiday and I just want a cuddle and to spoil you on your birthday but you don't. I get that birthdays aren't always the best, rather awkward at most times, but I was rather hurt the fact you told me you didn't want to do anything but you've gone out with these mates of yours. Please tell me you aren't doing anything stupid or dangerous?"

Define stupid or dangerous?

"I'm not. I'm sorry." She replied her voice quiet and her fingers still playing with the blanket. "Can I go to sleep now?"

Sirius' eyebrows knitted together, "you've been sleeping a lot lately. Are you sick?"

Define sick?

"I'm fine. Just tired."

Sirius nodded, "well then, you wouldn't mind if I'd join you tonight. We can cuddle like we used to do on your birthday."

"I doubt Molly would appreciate you sleeping in the same room as her daughter. No matter if I'm here." Hattie stated making her father chuckle.

"Then you can come with me, missus." Sirius lifted his daughter into his arms not taking any notice of how light she was, or the bones pressing through her skin. As he passed the top of the stairs he called down, "I'm going to bed. Night all!"

Shouts of "goodnight!" Were heard as he took Hattie into his room and laid her down on the bed, and tucking her in.

"I'm going to change into my pyjamas, I'll be back." He pressed a kiss to his daughter's forehead and exited the room.

Hattie snuggled down, pulling the blanket up to her chin and letting the comforting smell of her father soothe her for just a short moment. When Sirius returned clad in his dinosaur pyjamas he found Hattie asleep holding tightly onto the duvet.

He climbed in beside her, wrapping her up in his arms. Sighing in content he muttered, "Happy birthday, sweetheart. Just like old times, eh?"

Little did he know this would be the last birthday she would ever have with him.

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