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That morning all of the marauders were left to sleep in because of the night they had ahead of them. Hattie stayed asleep next to her father and it was then that Charlie knew that keeping this a secret would kill him.

He didn't want to keep everything from Sirius because he was her father and he had the right to know but if he did tell him; what would Hattie do? Charlie didn't want her to react badly and it make things worse. Not when he had made progress with her. Yes, it was small but it was still better than nothing.

"Is Hattie still asleep?" Mrs Weasley directed to nobody in particular as she and Lily serving breakfast to all around the table.

"I believe so." Replied Ginny, "she's in with Sirius though."

Lily nodded, "right, I'll go wake her. I've dealt with a sleepy Sirius on numerous occasions, I'll get her up without disturbing him." Lily handed Tonks the pan of eggs she was dishing out.

Hattie was curled into her father's side, her hands resting on his chest next to her head, the duvet covering all but her hair. Lily entered the bedroom quietly, kneeling down beside the young girl, pulling the cover back gently and lightly tapping her on the shoulder.

"Hattie, sweetheart, breakfast is ready." Lily cooed softly, brushing the dark curls from the girls' face.

Hattie stirred slightly, nuzzling further into her father's chest, whimpering "no".

Lily shook her head at how much she loved her sleep just like Sirius did. Obviously not knowing the real reason behind it.

"Come on, sweetie, let's get some breakfast and let your dad sleep on as he is rolling Uncle Moony tonight." Lily perused.

Groaning, Hattie pushed herself up, her eyes staying shut. "Can I go back to bed in my own bed then?" She asked sleepily.

"No, darling, it's breakfast time, everyone is having a quidditch match later on and you need energy for that." Said Lily, running her fingers through Hattie's curls in a motherly way. Lily had always been more motherly to the girl than her own mother who she barely so both out of choice and her mum not wanting to see her that much.

"I hate quidditch."

Lily giggled, "shhh, be careful James might hear! Now come on, let's go before it gets all cold."

Hattie nodded rubbing her eyes, "Okay." She said reluctantly, the familiar feeling of her stomach wanting to close up and not let anything in and her throat drying up making it impossible to swallow starting to clog her body.

Lily helped her out of bed, her arm holding the girl upright as she stumbled down the stairs, still tired from the day before. The woman held her steady so that she didn't trip down the stairs and led her into the kitchen.

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