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In Diagon Alley, Hattie kept to the back of the large group of adults, Ron and Harry had gone off to meet up with Hermione, Ginny had gone with them, the twins went to meet Lee Jordan. Sirius had gotten her school books and other needed equipment whilst she walked behind him, her head facing the cobbled street floor, Charlie and also disappeared and everyone else were in their own conversations, leaving the girl to stay silent behind them.

After a least an hour, Sirius turned to his daughter, "we're going to go have a drink in the Leaky Cauldron, why don't you go and find the others and treat yourself." He dug his Jada into his pockets and brought at twenty galleons and handed them to her. "Go on, have some fun." He sent a grin her way as he nudged the small girl in the direction of the rest of the alley.

Hattie nodded, despite not wanting anything or wanting to find anyone, she just wandered around. She stopped momentarily to look in windows but never went in one, she didn't feel the supposed buzz of excitement that this particular part of London had over everyone else. It just seemed like a normal street with shops in, to her.

The girl stood outside of a shop window, one for random bits and bobs, from accessories to chairs, just a load of random items, sort of a bargain shop. Her hand pressed against the window as she gazed in at the different products, her eyes landing on some necklaces in one corner. She couldn't see them all that well from where she was stood but the view of them wasn't that bad.

"Do you want to come in and have a better look?" A voice broke her gaze away from the murmur window and onto a boy standing in the door way, a soft smile on his lips.

"I-um-er-" she stammered, she didn't realise that anyone noticed she was there.

He waved his hand towards him, "Come on, there's a few that I think would suit you." He waited for her to move towards him before entering the shop, she didn't want to seem rude so followed him into the small, warming shop, that has a vibe of a cosy home that was lit with a fire.

Hattie shyly followed the boy towards the rack of necklaces, that were beautiful, now that she could actually see them better. She watched as his hands trailed across the rack before landing on an electric blue quartz crystal necklace in amongst so more intricately designed chains. He slid it off of the rack and held it up towards her. "Definitely suits you, the blue goes really well with your dark hair and make the grey of your eyes brighter." The boy told her. Heat rose up from her neck to the tip of her ears under his eye. "What do you think?"


The boy laughed, not mockingly, but an amused, tender laugh one that still managed to embarrass her.

"That it is, but do you like it? That's what I am wondering."

Hattie nodded, "I do, it's just-"

"Not something you would have chosen yourself? I understand that, why don't you tell em what your normally would choose and I'll see if we have anything like that." The boy interrupted, still holding the necklace in his hand as he turned back to the rest.

"No, it's not that. I just, never have had a necklace like this, I normally have plain silver coloured, shaped ones not bright colours. I really do like it." Hattie back-tracked, her ears still glowing red as she stared at her feet which shifted against the wooden floor.

Another soft chuckled tumbled from the boys' lips and his thumb hooked beneath her chin, gently raising her head to look at him, "I know, I've seen you around-Merlin that sounds creepy! What I mean is, you're in some of my classes, I'm Dallin, Dallin Winter, and you're Harriet Black are you not?" She nodded her head, a little ashamed that she didn't recognise the boy in front of her, he could very well be in some of her classes, but at the same time he could be fibbing and she wouldn't know anything different. "I'd never forget your pretty face. Here, have this on me and we can look for a different necklace if you want as well." He held out the blue crystal again.

"I can't just take it. That's wrong. I'll pay for it. And I don't need two necklaces, this one is fine."

"It's not expensive or anything, it's only two galleons, please, my mum won't mind." He insisted.

"Two galleons, that's fine." She dug into her pocket where she had put her money from her dad and took out two coins and handed them to him. Dallin pushed her hand with the coins away.

"It's fine, Harriet." He smiled at her once more, "see it as a symbol of me wanting to start a friendship with you. That's if, you'll take me?"

Now, if this was three weeks ago, her answer would have been no. She wouldn't have wanted a friendship. However, from the ten minutes of being in the shop with him and his very kind smile and bright green eyes that were very nice as well, she couldn't help but nod. "Okay, But at least let me pay half, and call me Hattie, Harriet makes it sound like you're telling me off."

"One galleon? Hattie, it's fine, honestly." Sighing Hattie reluctantly nodded and slipped her coins back into her pocket, "That's better. Now, turn around and hold your hair up, I'll help you out it on."

Yet again, Hattie blushed a deep shade of red and turned around raising her hands, cupping her curls in them and lifting them up. She could feel Dallin's fingertips brushing against her neck as well as his breath fanning it as he shut the clasp carefully, and took her hands from her hair letting the curls cascade down naturally and he also spun her around.

"I was right, it does look good on you."

"Thanks." Hattie smiled, "I should probably be going, my dad'll be wondering where I am."

"I'll see you at school?" Dallin Asked her as she turned away.

"Of course." The girl found herself smiling back at him, "thank you again, Dallin, and it was nice to meet you."

"It's just the beginning. We're friends now, don't forget that," he winked at her before returning behind the counter and putting two galleons into the till himself, Hattie spies him through the window as she returned out onto the cobbles. He was grinning down at his hands and just as he looked up she darted away.

"Hattie?" A voice said from behind her, "where've you been? I went to find you in the Leaky Cauldron but your dad said you were with Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny. I saw them and you weren't there. Is everything okay?"

"I'm good, I was looking, I bought this necklace for two galleons, only to find two galleons on the floor! It's like I haven't spent anything!" She lied, for some reason her mind told her not to tell Charlie about Dallin. She didn't know why, but she obliged nonetheless.

"That's brilliant, baby girl," Charlie exclaimed, his arm landing around her shoulders, he dipped his head closer to her ear as he lead her to the pub where everyone was meeting for lunch, "I got you something."

"What?" She asked him, curiously.

"It's a surprise."

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