Chapter 45 Faster Than You

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Chapter 45

Heine pushed Xiao Yan behind him. Using the eyepiece, Xiao can see there is something large in front of him similar to the other monsters. Beside him Mark was gripping his weapon his fingers tightening reflexively on the hilt. Xiao Yan's breath caught in his throat. He suddenly felt very tired. He just wanted to run away.

Something wet was ejected from the passage. Heine pickup up Xiao and ducked. The material shot from the shadows was a thick sticky mucus, almost web like. The special forces behind them were smeared with the thick substance and attempted to cut the viscous tendril off of them using a blade. Suddenly a two headed zombie rushed out and slammed into the combined teams. Mark rushed over, the minute he sliced at it, the zombie went to bite him.

Xiao thought that it was just a deformed zombie. It had two necks and heads facing in different direction, two arms, but only one leg. Despite its odd configuration it was incredibly fast.

Too fast. Right as it went for Mark, Sharon slashed at its throat. The creature's mouth engulfed her blade and bit into it.

When Sharon managed to pull back her sword, its teeth were shattered, but quickly grew back.

"Mark, Liv" You're up" Heine ordered them to the front.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath. Mark and Liv fought the creatures as he followed them into the channel. At the end of the hall was a low buzzing growl like noise. Xiao Yan stands shocked by the scene.

Inside huge metal cages are dozen of malformed zombies just like the ones attacking now. These creature struggled frantically, attempting to squeeze through and bust apart their cages. Xiao can see that the cages are high density titanium, the hardest material to be extracted. However their cages seemed to shake apart beneath the zombie's struggles.

Jane walked calmly up. His brows drew in slightly and he had not a hint of panic straining his voice. He leaned against Xiao and told Heine, "I have a feeling these guys are coming out to play soon."

He hadn't completed the sentence when the cages opened. The creature scrambled out and everyone is engaged in the fight.

Heine did not hold back at all. Anything that approached Xiao Yan was slashed at ruthlessly. They rushed inside and Jane and Sharon followed closely.

How many soldiers had they left? How many would be left?

Xiao Yan realizes that Gordon has severely miscalculated this mission. There was no way he could anticipate this level of crisis. Going forward they are most likely to be destroyed.

A huge holographic images appeared n front of him. Overlapping projections of Professor Manson's face appeared and though the expressions varied they all said the same thing.

"This is the last door. Are you sure you want to come in?"

Xiao Yan sighed deeply. As a rookie with no fighting ability, it was a miracle he had made it this far. He began to regret using the condensation gun too early. Perhaps he should have left the last shot for himself. When all options were gone he didn't want to be a burden. Instead of being ripped apart by monsters he would rather just become a frozen rookie popsicle.

Just then a hand grabbed his hand. Slender fingers wrapped and entangled his, squeezing tightly. Xiao Yan's hear began to beat wildly. It was Heine's hand.

"Do you remember what your task is on this mission?"

Heine' s cold voice swept like a winter wind through his dismal thoughts. He paused, the words stuck in his tangled fears.

"To stay alive"

At those words, Heine released Xiao Yan's hand.

The door in front of them opened and countless zombie variants rushed out.

Xiao knew he couldn't be a burden and tie up the abilities of Heine and Jane. This situation was no game and allowed for no error. Taking out his micro injection gun from his waist he quickly pumped the drug into his thigh.
He has not completed experimentation of this agent. He has never tested it on a human subject. Xiao Yan has no idea what the consequences of this will be once it enters his body, but he no longer has the liberty to worry about that.

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