Let me ask this to myselft again. 'Is this really love?'

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The next day comes and the principal is already waiting in the faculty room near the cafeteria. This man, always prepared and early. Kinda of the opposite of Baldi. Baldi was a really strict teacher but he wasn't really a morning person. Baldi finally walks in the room and sits on the sit that's right next to the principal's

"good morning, mister Baldi, " the principal said with a slight smile on his face being happy that Baldi did actually come. He looked at the bald man's face and saw how he looked kinda tired. 'is he a night owl or something?' the principal thought to himself, he honestly didn't care but was curious. "well you look tired. At what time did you go to sleep?" Baldi turned and looked at the principal with a sleepy stare. "it doesn't matter...what matters is that I am here." Baldi turned to the desk and grab some white paper that still hasn't been used. The principal for a moment there almost fell for the beauty on his love interests eyes. Those eyes are special. Those eyes were rare... But they were beautiful to the principal. He found his taste for love a bit weird but didn't care for too long. Just like Baldi said 'what matters is that he's here.' and that's totally true.

"so. Where do we start?" the bald man asked as the principal broke down out of his daydream. "we can start with the simple ones such as no running in the halls... Cause of course for what happened last time. " the principal replied remembering what happened. 'A kid ran and made Baldi fall to the ground. It wasn't very pleasant to watch but I stopped Baldi from doing anything crazy to the kid'. "hah yeah... Those little fuc- " Baldi coughed a bit thinking it might stop the principal to think he hated the children "those kids...really need rules..heh. We should make a thing where if they break a rule they get consequences..heh.." Baldi grinned at the principal thinking it might help to convince him more. "there's detention for a reason Baldi." the principal stated with kinda of a straight face on. He already knew what Baldi wanted to do, but he thought it was too much for him.

Suddenly the bell ringed and tutorials were about to start. "i need to go, have this kid on tutorials because he really needs help on math." Baldi stud up and waved at the principal. The principal cleaned stuff before leaving and head to his office again. As Baldi came in the room he smiled sweetly at the child kinda believing in him. He walked up to him with simple math problems and placed them on their desk. "ok, I know you can do this. Let's start with a very simple math problem. Now listen carefully, 53 +34 x 567=? " the kid's face was giving a confused look. He honestly didn't know what he was doing. "69?..." the kid answered scared to death because he didn't know anything. And knowing Baldi...he really isn't ok with the wrong answer nor if it's a joke "69... Are you serious right now?..." Baldi had a psycho face on. He really doesn't like joking around when it becomes math. Baldi grabs his ruler and starts brutally hitting the child over and over again. At this point, he honestly didn't have control over himself

Soon the principal got bored and wanted to see how Baldi's math tutorials where going. He makes his way to Baldi's classroom and opens the door not expecting anything bad at all. But boy did he find something terrible. When he walked in that door he saw Baldi on his knees with a Childs dead body laying right in front of him.. Blood everywhere and him looking like a psychopath. Baldi soon notices the principal standing right on his door with a really really shocked face. Baldi stands up slowly walking towards the principal with a grinning face. "hey there, principal of things~." Baldi holds the principals face smirking up at him. The principal didn't know what do to. 'he's terrible... Why am I even in love with him... Is this really love? Do I really find people who murder attractive?.... I guess so... Cause I still like him... Just because I am in love with a murderer doesn't mean I am one.... Right?...' the principal's thoughts started running uncontrollably. Baldi was still holding his face gently, accidentally putting some blood on him. "heh... I'm not fired , right?...you wouldn't do such thing to me... am I right principal?~" the principal looks down at Baldi once he said's that, he actually didn't know... He loved him too much to kick him out. " I.. Guess you are Baldi. " the principal replies and Baldi starts laughing uncontrollably hugging the principal. 'where totally opposite from each other. Is this really going to work? Uhg. I don't know... My feelings and my thoughts are so complicated... I'll try to see how it goes first I guess..'


Well, that's all for now hah. This one was kinda fun to write and think about. Now, this situation is happening right now and both of the two are alone in a bloody room. Is it appropriate to put some of the spicinesses in there xD? I didn't do smut in this chapter because I didn't have an appropriated time to put it on. But I think the next chapter might have it.

-benjamin [aka: writer ]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now