Secrets? Or just personal choices?

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The bald man continues teaching his class after taking her drawing. For some reason, he was still surprised by how much attention the little girl 'play time ' was paid to the principal and him. Well not that much actually. Since he notices how that little girl gave a hug to his loved one that morning and he gave her a jump rope in return. 'are they related and he just kept it a secret or just didn't tell me?' the bald man asked himself as he walked around his classroom to see if everyone was doing their work. After a few minutes, the bell ringed for lunch, and all the kids left the classroom immediately to eat. The bald man walked out as well to visit the principal in his office. It became sort of like a life routine for him to visit the principal every day. Once he made it there he noticed his office was empty. He probably was at the lunchroom to make sure everyone wasn't breaking any of the rules. He liked to always keep the school in order.

As Baldi was making his way to the lunch room he ran into the principal. "oh there you are. I thought you were in the lunch room looking out for any kids that would break the rules. " Baldi says as he notices the principal holding a black cup of coffee in his hands that had ' i'm boss' written into it. "no. I only do that on Mondays when kids come back from the weekend " for some reason the principal's voice sounded like he was sick and his eyes looked more tired than what the used to that morning. He's the kind of person that could get sick easily especially when he's around dirty stuff a lot. The broom did a great cleaning but only cleaned once a day which wasn't enough since it would still be dirty at the end of the day. The principal sometimes gets lucky and not get sick. But that wasn't the case. He would usually get sick once a week. It sorta became something natural for him. " well you look...not so great. Are you sick or something?"Baldi asked sorta concerned for the principal. "Uh... I actually don't know anymore. But yeah. I think I sorta am..." the principal replied as he made his way to the nearest faculty room. " ok then I guess." Baldi followed him in to spend some time with him at lunch break.

They both sit down at a table in the faculty room and have lunch. The principal didn't bring anything but a cup of coffee, Baldi brought some food, actually some salad since they weren't allowed to bring fast food nor alcoholic drinks. Baldi was mostly the kind of person that would smoke or drink in his own time if needed. The principal, on the other hand, didn't like drinking nor smoking but only drank on special occasions such as if he was invited somewhere and they offered him a drink. Smoking really wasn't his thing tho. He prefers coffee a lot tho.

As they both sat there and had their lunch Baldi soon than was curious about that thing he thought to himself earlier and asked the principal. "hey, are you and that little girl related?" Baldi asks curiously. The principal turns towards him and raises an eyebrow sorta confused a bit. "who? That small little girl with the red dress? No, but I do get along with her. She's something else you know." the principal said as he coughs a bit from being sick. "she sure is. Look what she drew in class" Baldi showed the principal the drawing and the principal sat closer to Baldi to see. He smiled sweetly while holding the drawing in his hands and laying his head on Baldi's shoulder. "aww... That's so adorable." the principal slightly yawns while saying that and drinks his coffee while coughing a bit as well. "wow you sure are really sick. It sort of worries me." the bald man said as he kinda looks down at the principal who is laying his head on Baldi slightly falling asleep. "hah... You sure are cute when you're sick." the principal soon puts his coffee down on the table and snuggles a bit onto Baldi. He doesn't like being called 'cute' but he was honestly too tired to do anything. "shut it, Baldi..." Baldi laughs a bit and notices that he really looked sick and tired. He soon then hold him and smiled. "you want me to bring a substitute to take care of my kids that way you can stay over at my house for me to take care of you until you feel better? " Baldi asks wanting to really help his loved one and to get away from kids that go his mood down. "no that's nonsense... I'll stay here and do my job... I don't need days off to chill.... I'm perfectly fine." the principal stated even tho he was lying. He didn't want to make Baldi take care of him. He for some reason found it embarrassing to be sick and to be taken care off. He thought he could handle it himself. But of course, Baldi didn't believe him because he honestly didn't want him to always be sick. Cause he personally thought that being sick sucked a lot. "well sorry but I'll do it anyways."
"but-" the principal got caught off by Baldi talking over him "no buts, your staying with me and I'll take care of the problem. " the principal sighs and grabs his coffee then stands up. "ok then... Let's leave. I honestly need to lay down..." Baldi smiles and stands up after the principal. He then puts his arms around him and starts walking out with the principal. As soon as he calls over a substitute for his students they both leave and starts making their way towards Baldi's house.


I'll leave this chapter here. ^^ this was honestly pretty long. I wasn't expecting this to be this long. Or actually longer than my other chapters but it somehow turned out like that so I'll just leave it like that. Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to vote if you enjoy this book so far^^

-benjamin [aka:writer ]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora