My second Realization

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After baldi explained things to play time they headed back home from school. baldi was still not in the mood but play time made him feel better as time passed. It was night time and playtime was asleep upstairs. Baldi couldn't fall asleep so he stayed up watching tv inside the living room. Suddenly as he was slowly falling asleep the front door opened. Baldi was concerned since he knew he locked the door when he got home.

Baldi walked to the front door and noticed the principal. 'oh he's back?...what is he doing here all of the sudden?' baldi thought to Himself as he looked at the principal seriously. The principal locked the door once he was in and saw baldi. He soon looked at baldi a bit sadly and walked over him and hugged him out of nowhere. Baldi was extremely confused but pretty pissed off at him. "what do you want?" baldi seriously asked the principal while waiting afterward for a response. " I want to apologize...for so many things... especially for my stupid decisions..." the principal replied to baldi's question honestly. Baldi didn't know what the principal was talking about but wasn't going to let it off that easily. " decisions? Like what?. Cheating on me" baldi angrily stated while looking down at the principal. By the looks of it, the principal didn't know where that came from, he never cheated on baldi so he didn't know what he was talking about. "cheating on you?...i never cheated on you..." the principal cleared out toward baldi. Baldi still didn't believe him since still, he didn't know who that other person was. " oh sure you didn't. He probably just left you and you just came back crawling to me since I'm the only thing you have. " baldi pushed the principal away from him making the principal stop hugging baldi. "baldi...what are you talking about?......i..i would never do such thing..."  the principal soon looked down sadly with serious eyes suddenly.  right before baldi could say anything back, the principal sighed and spoke up again. " honest with me now..." the principal looked back up towards baldi slightly. " what would you do....if I were to jump off a really tall building?..." the random question suddenly shocked baldi and made him extremely concerned for a moment. "princi, what kind of question is that??..." baldi asked while walking closer back toward the principal being worried a bit. "just...answer..." the principal wanted an honest answer from baldi. Baldi was so confused on what was everything all about. Why was the principal asking these weird question and why did he suddenly did he decided to come back home this one night. What was going on? " were to...jump off a really tall building....i would......"  baldi suddenly stopped for a minute and thought of that situation actually happening. His eyes soon watered slowly as he spoke up and answer that question. "....I would never be the same without you.....i would live my entire life unhappy weather something else tries to make me feel you know how much effect you give to my life?..." the principal noticed how serious baldi was once he said that to him. He walked towards the principal and pulled him into a big and emotional hug. Soon the principal got extremely sad, he didn't know how much he affected baldis life. He felt bad about his decision. Thinking anything but him could make him happier in life, but he was could have he been so blind up until this point. "baldi...can I tell you something?..."


I am such an asshole for leaving a cliffhanger here, But it had to be done haha. Sorry, but I guess you'll have to wait until the next chapter tomorrow.

-benjamin [aka writer]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now