Unlucky kind

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The next morning after the principal fell asleep he woke up feeling a bit better than before. He could sit up now without struggling so much as he did. A nurse walked into the room to check on the principal. "Good morning , sir. How are you feeling today?" the nurse kindly asked the principal while holding a clipboard with papers on it. "yeah...I guess so. Um...excuse me, when will I be able to leave and go home?..." the principal asked wanting to be with baldi and play time. He felt empty without him by his side for some reason. "well..I mean...your just here to make sure your getting healed, but of course, you have the option to go home and try to take care of yourself." the nurse stated writing on the papers. "really?... So does that mean I could go now?..." the principal asked sitting on the edge of the hospital bed looking towards the nurse. "yes, that necessary does mean that, but you would need to know some things that would help you." the nurse explained certain thing to the principal and gave him some pills as well that might help him get better quicker. "Thanks, ma'am " the principal thanked the nurse for helping him and headed out of the hospital.

As the principal made his way walking to his house he walked by a really dark alleyway. Soon randomly he felt something grabbing him and pulling him quickly into the dark alley and soon getting pinned against the wall. The principal freaked out. after what happened in the theater he felt scared mostly to get hurt and was a bit too weak to do anything. He thought he was being robbed and took out his wallet quickly handing it to the person pinning him against the wall looking away from the person. " J-just take everything! I don't care just let me go..." the principal said clearly scared, he just wanted to go home.
"i don't want your money..." the person Stated pushing the wallet back to the principal. The principal recognized the voice but couldn't remember where he knew that familiar voice. He slowly looked up to take a look at the person. It was the phantom but the principal couldn't recognize him since he didn't actually saw what the phantom looked like when the incident happened. "what do you from me?..." the principal asked not knowing what this person wanted from him. "i want you to follow every order I demand you to do and serve for me." the phantom stated directly at the principal with a serious face showing he wasn't playing around. "what?!...why?... I..can't!" the principal was confused, he didn't want to serve for this person he didn't.recognize. "don't ask questions. If you don't agree to do as I said I'll accuse you of kidnapping and you'll go to jail for 20 years straight..." the phantom found another in which he could threaten the principal into doing his work without having to hurt him. "kidnapping?...." the principal thought that was ridiculous. How could he possibly accuse him of kidnapping? He hasn't actually kidnapped anyone "and if you think I'm not being serious....think again..." the phantom pulled out a paper and showed it to the principal. It was the adoption paper he was going to turn in after baldi signed them. He didn't turn those in yet which meant he could actually get accused of kidnapping sense playtime wasn't really his daughter yet and she was staying at the principal's house. "...how did you?......." the principal had no idea on how the phantom got those paper. He left them on his side desk right next to his bed inside his bedroom. "so...are you going to do what I order...or rather spend 20 years behind the bars?" the principal actually didn't know what to do. 'why do i always end up in bad situation?...'


This is one of those chapters in which i ask your opinion on what you think might happen. What do you think the principals going to do? (Jeez the principal sure has a lot of decisions lol)

Now let's talk about the riddle. Guess it or not, this was one of the chapters that sort of tells you what the riddle is. I'll give a small hint. (all the things phantom does/says from chapter "path to the riddle" Down to this chapter has a lot of things to do with the riddle)  And if you want i could tell you guys what it actually means in the next chapter. But that's your guy's decision.
Anyways hope you liked this chapter^^

-benjamin [aka: writer]

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