Supernatural secret

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When the phantom turned the principal to face him he was shocked. Not by the fact that his tears were unusual from any human being.No, the thing that actually caught his attention where...His eyes. His eyes were pitched black such as something he even forgot exited in this World. "you're...." the phantom was too surprised to even speak. The principal looked away and swipe away his dark tears soon speaking. "yes...I am a black-eyed person..." the phantom looked closely into his eyes having a lot of questions in his mind. "how come?...this morning your eyes we're completely normal...and weren't black-eyed people killed a long time ago?..." the phantom asked wondering.

black-eyed people or black-eyed children as they liked to call them, were described as monsters just because of their appearance by humankind. Because of that most black-eyed people disliked and hated the normal humankind and led to horrible situations such as black-eyed people starting to kill human beings for them doing experiments on them and other horrible things to their kind, black-eyed children being the main victims of most of it. The principal actually was one of the victims of experiments by human such as some others. He nearly went blind one day because of it. That is one of the main reasons why the principal completely dislikes places like hospitals or laboratories. He was one of the few who got out and not died in that situation. Soon black-eyed people started to hide away to stay safe and were never seen again by humankind letting them think all black-eyed people were killed. In the future, some human being writing urban legends of the black-eyed kind letting the people who didn't know about these supernatural being that they currently used to exist in their universe. What they don't know is that most of the black-eyed people are still alive counting in the principal and are extremely good at hiding in within the human kind, but soon the principal gain trust in humans and stopped being as afraid towards them leading him to have feelings for baldi.

"that's what they let you think...most of us are still here. We're just too afraid to go as far into showing our eyes to others...Also the eyes you saw this morning we're eye contacts...specially made for people like us. I was just one of the lucky ones to get my hands on one of them. you are the first human being to ever noticed my eyes..." the principal explained the situation to the phantom. "excuse me?...first human being? Ha! I'm no human buddy." the phantom laughed a bit before stopping and noticing the principals confused expression . "your not?..." the principal asked slightly looking at the phantom. "No. I'm an actual phantom. A kind of ghost. You're not the only one with supernatural secrets, I just didn't imagine someone as gentle as you could be a black-eyed person. " the phantom replied towards the principal. The Phantom really wasn't expecting another supernatural being to be with the person he liked. That mostly explained how he survived his attack at the theater. "wait no really...are you serious right now?..." the principal asked again just to make sure. It's been a long time since he's seen someone like the Phantom, probably like 8 or more years since he's spoken with supernatural beings. "yes I'm being serious. How else do you think I opened the door earlier?" the phantom made a point and the principal soon believed his words. Tho the principal started having questions on his mind after that such as. 'why did he want business with me in the first place?...he clearly didn't know I was this until know so...would he let me go?'


Well, that's all. Hah, this idea came in randomly into my mind and it was because I honestly like creepypastas so much and the principal randomly reminded me of the black-eyed children creepypasta so I had to include it into it as a random plot twist that fits in perfectly with this. Anyways I hope you like this chapter and found it interesting

-benjamin [aka: writer ]

Is this really love? [a Principal x Baldi story] (COMPLETE )Where stories live. Discover now